Chapter Two

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Dedicated to @NikkiP3

The stadium was louder than ever and despite the noise level, Piper had remained quite calm and I was more than thankful for the sound proof headphones JJ had purchased when Avery was just a baby. Between my two girls, they certainly got a lot of use. Of course we had the option of sitting  in the luxury of a box but that was not really how I preferred to watch football and thankfully the kids agreed. Noah liked to be right in the action and Avery wanted to see daddy every second she could and every kiss he blew her while he stood on the sidelines meant the world to her.

While today was a huge game I did my best not to let JJ know just how worried I was about it. Not only would he take a loss extremely hard with so much hope riding on this game, but it was his first game playing without his cast he spent weeks in due to a broken hand. While he was tough, I couldn't help but to worry that he'd do something to reverse the healing process of the injury. I still don't know exactly how he broke it, 'just a football injury babe' was all he would tell me with a smirk on his face. That alone was enough to make me believe there was much more to it.

So far today, JJ was at the top of his game and you'd never know he was coming off an injury. I loved to see him so energized and so engulfed in the game, his passion was contagious and it could be felt around the entire stadium.

"Football comes lose at the bottom of the pile and JJ Watt comes away with it!"

"Did you see that mom?!" Noah was jumping up and down in excitement, holding up his poster proudly and high fiving the fans that sat around us.

"I did." I smiled at him, his excitement was always so genuine and no matter how many times he watched JJ makes plays like this his enthusiasm never wavered.

"Daddy's happy and silly." Avery giggled as she watched her father's gestures on the football field, JJ always liked to make a scene after plays like that and the crowd loved it. Especially a certain little 3 year old that thought it was the funniest thing she's ever seen.

"He is silly huh?" I smiled down at my little blond haired cutie before my eyes went back to the field. I blew a kiss in JJ's direction as he pulled his helmet off and I knew he got it when he placed his hand on his heart. It was his symbol for me, his way of letting me know he saw me and I loved it.

JJ continued to amaze us with each play he made, Noah in awe of his father as he watched on proudly. It was safe to say that I was happy the game was going in their favor, not that I didn't expect them to come away with a win today but because when JJ is happy after a win, momma is happy after a win. Whoever came up with happy wife, happy life was not lying.

The buzzer sounded and the game ended, the stadium erupting into cheers of praised for their beloved Texans. Noah again exchanged high fives with the fans that sat around him, Avery also joining in on the action. Not that she really knew what the excitement was about but she was not one to turn down a high five, that's for sure.

"I wanna go see daddy!" Noah could hardly stand still he was so eager to celebrate with JJ.

"I wanna see daddy too!" Avery added in wanting to be just like her big brother, monkey see monkey do was the way things went with those two.

"We'll go see daddy, I promise." I assured them as I let the crowds file out of stadium before I attempted to lead the kids out, "He's going to be a few minutes still okay? Let's go use the restroom first."

"But I don't have to." Noah whined and his shoulders slumped in disappointment.

"You can try." I insisted as I lead them into the private bathrooms I was lucky enough to have access to, I wouldn't dare take them into the stadiums public restrooms after a game for obvious reasons.

I knew I had time to waste before we head outside for the post game press conference. I never missed JJ's post game interviews and the kids loved to be near him, impatiently waiting for the moment they could hug him and jump on him, for the moment he went from being "JJ Swatt" to daddy. Today was different though. Media surrounded this place, radio stations and fans held large tailgate parties in the parking lot and I knew JJ insisted on making an appearance. On showing the fans his appreciation for their continued support.

I lead the kids down to the press conference, filing them out the door and to the media stage that had been set up Houston's largest radio station. I was thankful for the noise of the crowd to distract from my small traveling circus. Although I couldn't complain much, they're good kids. They don't really give me trouble because if they do they know it's daddy they have to answer to and while JJ is a gentle giant, he's not a push over with his parenting. He's not afraid of timeout or taking away special privileges.

It wasn't long before JJ walked out of the building and the cameras started flashing as fans went crazy with chants of  "JJ Watt! JJ Watt!" His white smile plastered across his face and even after all these years it still took my breath away. The reporters loved him because he was always easy for them to talk to and he was always honest about how he felt. He never sugar coated anything, if he played bad or the team played bad he owned up to it and there were never any excuses. I think they appreciated that kind of honesty in the world of sports media.

And the fans loved him because he changed the entire face of the Texans franchise and he was a pillar in our community. JJ was never one to take the fan base for granted and he made that clear every chance he got.

I watched with Noah and Avery as JJ was handed a microphone to address his fans. He wasn't even able to get a word out without the crowd chanting for him and it really touched me. I carefully wiped the tears from the corners of my eyes as my heart swelled with pride.

"I love you guys!" JJ smiled as he looked out at the crowd that only erupted into more cheers, "I came to Houston five years ago as a kid from Wisconsin and I really didn't know a lot about Houston and ya'll took me in like one of your own and I feel like a Texan at heart. I like bbq. I like pick up trucks. I like big things and I like winning division championships!" JJ paused a moment to give the crowd a chance to cheer and Noah joined right in with the fans, "I just have one big request for you guys. We play at home next Sunday and I need you loud as ever. It's been far too long since we've been in the playoffs and it feels damn good to be back in the playoffs."

The crowd grew louder as JJ tried to conclude his mini speech and the fans were going nuts. I loved to see him in this element and I loved to see the support he received year after year from the fanbase.

"I love you guys and I will always give you everything on my body to help us win!" JJ's eyes caught me and the kids listening on with the rest of the crowd and once again his hand rested on his heart, "Now if you'll excuse me I really want to go kiss my wife and hug my kids. Go Texans."

JJ handed the microphone back to the radio host and made his way off the stage and towards us. Cameras flashed on him and news cameras followed him hoping to catch a glimpse of him sharing a moment with us. We had all gotten used to it over the years and it was second nature to us.

The kids jumped at JJ's legs and he knelt down to hug them both. I had gotten used to being second, or even third I should say, when it comes to greeting JJ. Our kids weren't going to be little forever and one day we'll wish we had those moments back.

JJ's eyes met mine and he stood tall as he took a few steps toward me. His smile never leaving his face.

"So proud of you baby. You were awesome." I smiled warmly at him sniffling back my emotions. I stood on my tip toes to place a kiss on his lips and I could hear fans "ooohing and ahhhing" as they crashed our moment of affection.

"Thanks momma." His smirk grew against my lips and he kissed me again before he pulled away, "I couldn't do this without you. I love you."

"I love you too."

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