Chapter Nine

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"Here... Let me carry that bag." I held my hand out in attempts to retrieve JJ's gym bag from him as he pulled himself out of the car.

"I got it." His tone was abrupt and I knew his stubborn ways were quickly going to surface. At times, it was as if he felt allowing someone to help him was like admitting defeat and that was not something that set well with him.

I bit my tongue not wanting to bicker with my husband, if he insisted on carrying his bag I was going to let him. It was hard to tell if it was his way of proving he was okay or if it was just JJ being JJ. He doesn't let me carry his bag when he's not injured for the simple fact it's 'too heavy' and he takes pride in being a gentleman.

"Daddy!" I opened the door and was met by the kids in a matter of seconds, the excitement fading from their voices when they realized it was me. It wasn't something I took offense to, I knew how eager they were to know he was okay. They called my phone a half a dozen times while I was at the stadium to find out when we would be home and how bad JJ was hurt.

"Where's daddy momma?" Avery's little voice was filled with question as her eyes scanned the area looking for him.

"He's coming babe." I smiled at her and then looked over at Noah, "You guys have to be careful with daddy, okay? We don't want to hurt him. He has to see the doctor tomorrow."

JJ limped through the door way moments later and before anyone could even get a word out, he launched his bag at the wall in anger followed by several expletives I preferred the kids not to hear. The loud thump caused me to jump and everyone came running to make sure everyone was okay, Avery quickly breaking into tears as she pawed at me to pick her up. This was a state she had never really seen her daddy in and it was safe to say it scared her.

"What the hell was that?" I scowled at JJ wanting to scold him for very obvious reasons but not wanting to upset the kids any more than he already had by arguing in front of them, "Are you serious right now?"

I didn't expect JJ to answer my questions but I was shocked to see so much anger come out of him.  He was usually good about maintaining his composure around the kids when it came to his frustration and believe me, at the beginning of the season there was a lot of it. Part of me didn't know how to be mad at him, he was injured and the team just lost a major game; a game they had worked hard to play in. The situation frustrated me too, just not anywhere near the level it bothered my husband.

"What happened? Did she fall?" Connie came rushing into the room, the rest of the family in tow making sure that Avery was alright.

"My teenager is throwing a temper tantrum." I referred to JJ who had hobbled his way past everyone as I soothed Avery, her tears slowing, "She's okay. He scared her, that's all."

"Let me take her and you can check on JJ." My mom held her arms out waiting for me to hand over my crying three year old that clung to me with all her might.

"He needs to cool down. I'm not worried about it, let him throw his tantrum. I have three other kids to take care of." I glanced over at the large clock on the wall that hung over our fireplace mantle, "It's bath and bed time for these guys. Maybe after that I'll talk to him."

Normally JJ and I tag teamed bath time, it was like an assembly line of sorts. Bubble bath. Pajamas. Bed. Typically it ran flawlessly but when it comes to taking on the task myself, it gets rather chaotic. Not that it happened often, but when JJ has an away game or late practices, or in this case an injury, his assistance is certainly missed. Luckily the house is filled with family willing to help while JJ sorts out his issues. I fully understand his frustration with the way everything went down but I truly hope he doesn't plan on keeping this attitude for long otherwise it's going to be a terribly long off season.

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