Chapter Three

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Dedicated to @twobecameone

I woke up to a knee in my stomach and opened my eyes to see Noah's adorable little face and nothing but a pool of Avery's blonde hair invading his space as she slept peacefully beside him. I looked past her and saw JJ's large form still sleeping soundly and I know a smile crawled across my lips. I loved Monday mornings during football season because he never had to leave bed abruptly and it always gave us a chance to just enjoy one another's company.

I vaguely remembered the kids ending up in bed with us and let's just say we had learned the hard way a while back to make sure we clothed ourselves at some point after passion filled nights. I do know Avery came in first tapping JJ and claiming there was a monster in her room and instead of getting up to slay the dragon that hid in her closet, he let her climb in bed with us.

Then I remembered Noah coming in and again poor JJ was the one whose sleep was disrupted. He slept closest to the bedroom door and that makes him the first person the kids see when they walk in. Noah had a bad dream and was scared. Again, instead of getting up and taking him back to bed, he let him climb in bed with us. I was just thankful for the fact we had a California king or this would have been one crowded bed.

I took the quiet moment to admire my sleeping family, the only missing was Piper but I knew she was due to get up at any minute. Avery was nuzzled closely against JJ and I knew the comfort and safety she must have felt because it's my favorite place to be. It's true what they say, a dad is a daughters first love. He could do no wrong in her eyes and she spent every moment with him she could.

My gaze then landed on JJ and I watched as his shoulders rose and fell with each breath he took and I just wanted to be close to him. The covers pooled at his waist exposing the Nike waistband of his boxer briefs and the top of his athletic shorts allowing me the opportunity to really admire his muscular physique.

JJ's arm reached out and his hand found a little arm belonging to Noah, he groggily opened his eyes looking confused and I knew he must have been expecting to find me. He then looked right beside him to see Avery nestled against him fast asleep.

"Who let the little intruders in?" He asked, his voice laced with sleepiness and playfulness all at the same time.

"That was all you." I answered trying to keep my voice quiet so we didn't wake the kids, "The bed kept getting smaller and smaller."

JJ laughed as he rubbed his eyes, "Damn. I must've been tired."

"You think?" I joked as I laughed at his comment. JJ typically took the kids back to bed and laid with them until they fell asleep, he felt if we let them sleep with us every time they were scared or had a bad dream that they would do it all the time just because they knew they could.

He reached across the bed to grab my hand, pressing his lips against my knuckles before lacing his fingers through my own. It was as close as we could get to one another at the present time and I knew he looked forward to our mornings in bed together as much as I did.

"I'm hurtin today." He groaned as he attempted to get comfortable without disrupting Avery.

"I would imagine." I hated any time that he was in pain, it wasn't something he expressed often and he certainly never complained, "You played hard, just take it easy babe."

It was normal for him to feel the affects of each weeks game as it took a toll on his body, but he was never one to complain and it was never anything that a long soak and a massage couldn't cure. I knew he was happy to finally have his hand free of the club he had to wear and probably played more intensely than he should have. Knowing JJ, I'm sure he felt he had to compensate for the weeks he didn't feel he played his best due to his limited mobility and he was now feeling the aftermath of his determination.

"We have a big game next week, I can't take it easy." JJ was frustrated and it was obvious by the tone in his voice and while I knew it wasn't me he was frustrated with, I still hated the way it sounded.

"Just be careful. Don't over do it." I stated as he attempted to pull himself out of bed, "That's all I'm saying J."

He disappeared into the bathroom and I heard the water turn on, if I've learned anything about being married to this man for the last three and a half years it was that he planned to stand under the shower head for the next 30 minutes changing from cold water to hot water hoping to soothe his pain. I had grown used to his routines and he would do whatever it took to bring himself some relief in hopes that his pain would subside long enough for him to get through the remainder of his season. He hated me telling him to 'take it easy', it just wasn't a phrase in his vocabulary.

I let out a sigh and pulled myself up trying to be careful not to wake the kids as I snuck into the bathroom to brush my teeth. Today was Noah's last day of Christmas vacation and I wanted him to be able to enjoy it. As much as I adore him, I'm certainly ready for him to get back to school. Between Noah, Avery and Piper my hands are quite full all day long and Avery insists on picking on her big brother. God love them but the bickering is enough to drive anyone insane.

I walked around the bedroom gathering dirty clothes and filling the laundry basket that my husband seemed to miss on nearly every occasion. JJ emerged from the bathroom freshly showered and dressed in his typical Texans attire, red athletic shorts and a navy blue Texans t-shirt. His scent filled the room and it was crazy to think of how much comfort it could bring me.

"I think I'm gonna head out." He announced rather quietly trying not to wake the kids.

"Already?" I stopped cleaning in order to look at him, he never left so early on Monday mornings. He knows how much it means to the kids to have breakfast with him at least once a week.

"Yeah." JJ nodded and I knew he was going to see the trainers to help him through his aches and pains, "I've got a big game coming up Em."

"I know you do but is waiting another hour or so too much to ask?" I looked over at the kids who still slept soundly, Avery starting to stir just a little, "They're going to be heartbroken."

"I worked hard all season for this." He looked at me wanting me to get it and I did, to an extent but he also had to realize that he had two little people that cherished his presence, "It's my job."

"So is being a dad Justin and I don't think it's too much to ask that you at least wait until you've had breakfast with them before you leave." I was frustrated with him, he was so stubborn at times that it could be like dealing with a fourth child, "Why does today have to be any different then any other Monday?"

"They're sleeping Emma. Just let them rest." He motioned towards the bed before he grabbed his duffle bag, "I have a team counting on me."

"Well, this team counts on you too but you seem to forget that from time to time." I walked out of the room, the laundry basket on my hip. I had to walk away before we ended up raising our voices, the last thing I wanted to do was fight with him especially in close proximity to the kids.

I heard the front door open and close signaling that JJ had departed against my request that he stay. I took my aggravation out on the laundry I was tossing into the washing machine. I supported my husband 110% and loved that he was so good at what he does but what he didn't always realize was that we all sacrifice so much compared to other families for him to continue to do what he does and we never complain.

So often I feel like I am under appreciated. I take care of 3 kids, do the laundry, cook dinners, take care of the household chores and maintain a business without a complaint. Granted I am able to work from home and only head to the shop a couple times a month to check out inventory and layout, sometimes I will even head to the boutique just to escape and get away. I know my kids love me but at the end of the day, daddy is the one that hung the moon and they can't get enough of him.

Nothing could change the fact that he's my world but like most men, he just doesn't get it at times. I know he'd never do anything to intentionally hurt us but there's no denying that at times his football family came first and I hated being the one that had to tell the kids he wasn't going to be around. I hated being the bad guy and I was ready for the off season to start so that I could get my husband back.

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