Why Her?

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If you're wondering 'Where's the new chapter?' Shut up, I got you.

Riele's POV

"What? What do you mean Issy going to be there?" He practically screamed, "Doesn't Ella know I can't stand to be around her?"

"I guese not because she invited her." Or she really doesn't care but, I'm not going to say that because that will make Ella seem like a bad friend. "You know Ella always including everyone know matter what. Unless she doesn't like them. But, she doesn't mean any harm."

"I can't believe this." He sighs, shaking his head.

"Well, believe this." I say, ready to push him into his decision about coming.
"It's going to be fine Jace. Just stay away from her especially around Ella because, if she see some tension she going to ask why, make you answer, then make you make up no matter what. And you and I both know there's no why out of that."

Ella scary as ish when she wants to be. So, that means she can make anyone do anything, by one look.
You could wet your pants if she glances across you with that look.

"But, why her?" he says her like the word is infected with disease. "Because when it refers to her  it does." Ops. I said that out loud.

"It won't be that bad." I try to reassure him.

"I'm not going" he said shaking his head. Not even budging.

"Henry....... You promised" I whine, "You have to go."

"I don't want to." He said, being all stubburn.

"Please...." I finally have the chance for the puppy dog eyes.

"Char you know I hate when you do that. It makes me weak." he said trying to look away but my gaze was just to strong.

"I know that's why I do it" I mentally flip my hair. "So, this means you're coming right?"

"Ugh fine. Whatever." he gave in.


"Great!" I said smiling.

"But don't expect me to have fun." he said.

Spoke too soon.
So, now let's pull out the big gun since he wants to be stuck in his feelings.

"I don't care if you have fun or not." lying.

"Well, that's mean." He takes the bait. This is why I'm an actress. Love fooling him.

"Well it's mean when you are not expecting to have fun at a party with your best friend" I say.

"Well, maybe I going to have to." He says.
Now this the part where I make sure wants to have fun.

"I rather you not have fun." I'm so good.

"To bad I'm going to have fun." he say like he just won. Jokes on him. I can't stop the smile that's easing it way on my lips. "Hey, wait you do that on purpose!"

"Yes, yes I did." "And now you are going have fum!!!" I say sing-songy.

"Whatever. I'm leaving now." he said still kinda upset but, that won't bring me down.

"Okay bye!" and with that he ended the call. 

I check the time and it was 12:36. Wow been talking over an hour. I
t's really time to get to bed. Got a big day a head of me.

I snuggled into my blanket. But before I drift off all I could think of was Jace and how he looked.

Oh and did I forget to mention?

That he was shirtless.

the whole time.

Okay short chapter. Hope you like it though. I'll see you later.

Want a new chapter? Next week Fam.

Love. Bye!!!!!!!!!!! XD

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