Chapter 7 Birthday ball

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There is not much going on in this chapter but it is important :D

Thank you to all those who are following this story, I will continue until you tell me to stop or run out of ideas ;)


There is no next time,

No timeouts,

And no second chances.

Sometimes it's

Now or Never.

Rose's POV

When I woke up at 9 Dimitri was gone, he probably went to the gym, So I decide to take a quick shower and get dressed, skinny jeans, tank-top, slippers and my black hoodie. When I get to the kitchen I see Alex going through the freezer

"Alex, Honey, what are you looking for?" He looks up and I see his bloodshot eyes, I gasp

"Frozen Bananas you know where they are?"

He says in a calm voice and ignores my gasping

"What happened?, what's wrong? You have been crying"

I rush to him and put my hands on the sides of his face

"Nothing's wrong mom. I wasn't crying, I'm just tired. Mom bananas?"

He takes my hands off his face, and turns back to the freezer. I wrap my hoddie tighter around myself and cross my arms

"Bottom shelf, in the back where you put them"

He finds them and throws them in the blender along with some yogurt, blueberries and strawberries

"Alex, What hap...."

He pushes the button on the blender cutting me off, I narrow my eyes. He shuts it off and opens the lid a little

"Alex, Tell me what hap....."

He turns it on again, cutting me off again. That is just disrespectful. i walk over to him, glare at him with the Hathaway stare and lean on the table. He turns that damn blender off, I can see that he's trying to avoid my eyes, after all these years I can stare for up to five minutes without blinking, I finally see him look at me

"That was rude, don't ever do that again"

He looks guilty

"I'm sorry, I just don't want to talk about It Okay, So please stop"


I decide to change the subject

"Have you found your tux for tonight?"

He looks up at me, he is clearly confused

"What?, why?"

I roll my eyes

"Alex, It's your Aunts birthday today"

"Shit, I forgot"

I smile at him lovingly


"Nothing, you're just so beautiful"

Now he rolls his eyes

"Stop being all Lovie dovie, and you're just saying that because I look like him. I'm going to go find my tux"

He turns his back to me shaking his head

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