Chapter 3

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The realization starts to hit me, Ive lost Oli whites number!! I try convincing my self that it was the worlds way of telling me that it wouldn't work out, but somehow I just don't believe myself I got given his number for a reason! I'm just hoping i'll bump into him again before I leave!

Anyway today is the day that I'm going to be meeting my queen Tyler Oakley, I decided that I was going to vlog... wait did I not tell you I vlog every now and then? Oh well now you know my little secret! I love filming my boring and uneventful life, it gives me something to do. There is four hours until we meet Tyler and we are already in the line and have been there since 6 this morning, fan girl problems....

4 very slow hours of making friends and vlogging those friends pass and we are finally allowed in, everyone starts to get so excited and it hits me.... Im meeting Tyler Oakley!! We got inside and that is where the most unreal thing happens, I watch as a girl with long brown hair walks towards me.

"Hey your name is Bethan right? " I nod as she starts to tell me that she watches my vlogs and how she relates to me a lot! This was so surreal I never would have thought that this would ever happen but it did! I was about to vlog her when a women announces that we were going in to meet Tyler. Me and Casey are first and we look at one another and being to freak out at the fact that we were meeting Tyler!

I walk towards Tyler and I give him the biggest hug ever!!!!! We talk for a bit and get a photo unfortunately they wouldnt let me film him..... sucks but I knew that would happen!

Sorry about being so blunt about meeting Tyler I just want to get to the good part well the better part.....

So we took our seats and waited as everyone walked in also to get their seats, I was wondering who was going to get sitting next to me. I like making new friends I just hope this person is nice, I started to chat to Casey when i felt an elbow touch my arm, when I looked I saw Oli! Turns out that Joe was invited and so Oli tagged along. Anyway a tonn of thoughts rushed through my brain!
Do I talk to him?
Do I ignore him?
Do I nudge him and say sorry then start talking?

Take a guess at which one I chose? Don't read on til you guessed!
Have you guessed? Okay read on!

If you said the nudge you are correct! I took a deep breathe and nudged him then went "omg I'm sooooo sorry" and that's when he said it "bethan?" he remembered me!

"So you remember me?" He giggled and give me this whole speech about always remembering me because of my personality and that I was cute.... I have to admit I blushed a lot!! I end up telling him about me losing his number and he smiles and giggles. "I thought you weren't interested" I laughed at his words!
"He was staring at his phone for days" Joe looks from beside him and Oli gives him a little nudge to shut him up! We end up exchanging numbers and I vlog him and joe! We talked until it was time to Watch Tyler!

I remember screaming on top of my lungs when Troye came on the screen and Oli looking at me as if I was crazy..... Because I was screaming for people he knew... Everytime hed look at me because i was freaking out Id just roll my eyes! I swear he was just watching me and not the show.... Turns out he was haha.

The show was incredible i've never cried from so much laughter in my entire life! After it Oli took us too meet Tyler again! He said that he wants to film a video with me they all also subbed to my vlog channel which made me extremely happy! We all ended up going for a late night Mcdonalds because why not ahaha!! So me, Casey, Oli, Joe, Tyler and Korey headed to find Mcdonalds which we did and it was so good!!!!

So me and Casey have a few more days in London and Oli have offered to show us around and we obviously accepted. This happened in Mcdonalds and as he asked it Joe said that him and Caspar will join along for something to do! Apparently they have boring lives.... I doubt that lets be real, If anyone's life is boring its mine!

"Guys me and Casey are going to head back now" I say while smiling and telling them about how much I have enjoyed hanging with them. They all say goodbye to us as we leave.

"Beth wait!!" I look back at Oli who then gives me this story about walking alone in the dark and so him and Joe would walk us back. I mean as if I would turn that down lets be real! I mean who would! I know for a fact that you reading this would jump at the opportunity and that is exactly what I did!

Our Hotel wasn't that far from Mcdonalds so it only took like 10 Minutes to get there. 10 very short minutes I mean Oli could not stop flirting and blushing, He'd playfully nudge me and then randomly grab my hand... At one point he even kissed it... In that moment I swore that I would never wash that hand again haha..... Come on now dont judge me youd say the same if he kissed your hand!

We got to our hotel room and I said goodnight to Joe and he told Oli he'd be in the lobby, Casey was already in the room and I was saying goodbye to Oli. We spoke for about 2 minutes before we finally said goodbye. He went to walk away when suddenly he turned back and kissed me on the cheek, then grabbed my hand and said "see you tomorrow beautiful."

I would swear this is all a dream... This is so hard to believe.... Am I really friends with Oli White.... How can he like me?

Some how fate has brought us together lets just all hope something good comes out of this.....


Hey authors note! I have been so inactive Ive just had a lot to do with college and stuff but I will write a new chapter every saturday.... hope you enjoyed and dont forget add this to your libary <3

How I met my husband!// Oli WhiteWhere stories live. Discover now