Short Story(No parts of Chapters)

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Life is long and hard as a clone. Humanity have found a way to clone human beings 30 years ago in the year of 4313. We were all cloned by a man named Sam Canten. Sam Canten's father, Rodney Canten invented the clone machine. Rodney choose his son as the person to be cloned because he took much pride in his son.

All clones were made to guard earth. There are four different clone types. Some watch on the moon, some Venus, and two other types watch on the fake moons. We watch these installations and planets for they surround Earth. Earth have been attacked by alien races multiple times that is when Rodney got the brilliant idea to make clones.

The War For FreedomWhen you are a clone you are always being watched. You are not allowed to stand out from anyone. I have always wonder what it is to belong to a family and be someone... different. There was a loud clanging from the Venus attendant. "754 if you're ever looking to go to Earth you better train hard and become a Venus watcher."

I got up. The clone cells is like a jail, dark, cold, but clean, and slightly comfortable. The attendant kept knocking on cells, there were six of us in all. "OK!" The attendant boomed "754, here. 753, here. 752, here. 756, here. 755, here. 757, not here."

757 is my best friend... only friend. He often woke up early, he was thin and quiet so he could somehow find a way out.

The attendant pushed his way through us and walked toward the other end of the hall. 753 laughed. I turned to him in a look of confusion. "Haven't ya heard? If 757 ever went to look out the window again he would be in trouble." 753 replied.

A while later the attendant came out the other side of the hall way with 757 collar in his hand. He threw him to the floor. "Are you okay?" I asked. "Yeah." he replied but it sounded more like yee because of his wheezing. Then there was silence as we walked to the docking bay.

757 broke the silence. "All these years."

"It's been 12." I replied not knowing what he was hindering.

"They are finally thinking over the box. The governm--." 757 was cut off by the attendant.

"Shut it boy." He grumbled.

"What is it? What is the government doing?" I whispered

757 turned to the window. Everyone else did too, to the noise of a loud scratching sound.

"What was that! I thought this space station had a force field!"

"It did." The attendant grumbled. A cargo carrier ship passed the window. It must have scratched the station.

"Enough of all this staring out the windows. Come on!" The attendant shouted over the noise of the scraping ship. We made a left and continued down the corridor. There were two men talking to the left of us. I was shocked and everyone else too. To see the president of Earth talking with him was the commander of this base. I drifted toward 757 "Luckily the gear is right here so we can here whatever the president and commander Christopher are talking about!" He nodded in repliance. The president begun to speak again. "As soon as they think they are out run and..." His voice softened. "Tough." 757 said while putting on his helmet and getting his bow. There was a loud boom. 756 had activated is electric mallet. "I can't take it anymore!" He said and ran to a shuttle. "Wouldn't take that if I were you." The commander said but he was cut off because of the air lock. We all ran to the window to watch 756's daring escape. His shuttle was turning to Earth. Everyone cheered him on but he was soon being followed by fighters. "We all know how this is going to end." 753 said with a chuckle and with 5 small blasts. 756's shuttle was on fire. Then one good shot from the stations anti-air cannons and he was gone. After the commander watched the failed escape he turned to me and started to run towards me . I put on my helmet in reaction hoping to head him in the stomach. But instead he shifted to the right and grabbed my arm. Now he was running to the last docked shuttle, the doors opened and he threw me in and went to the driver's seat. I turned to a thud on the windowed doors where the attendant was cursing and slamming against the door. I never thought how dumb he was because the airlock opened and he flew out into space. The commander laughed. "Why did you do that?" I asked with a sharp tone.

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