Old enemy and another thing in common

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Alright so ever since I uh said I wouldn't mind dating kakashi out loud I've been blushing nonstop.. Whenever I'm In Front of him.. I sigh.. My face heated as I stood next to Kakashi.. The preliminaries would be starting soon. And here I am looking like a tomato beside my Sensei... Good job Mitsuki.
"You okay?" Kakashi asked my face started to burn as soon as he spoke.. I whimper and lowered my head as I nodded
"Hai" I say, but he was still blushing as well.. Not as much as me. It was only slight on him.. I blush harder as I watch the teams walk up..
"You don't have to be that nervous you know" he says.. Had he seriously forgot about what happened?! The hell hatake?! I shrunk back and shifted back, kakashi looked back and smiled cheekily. I blush darker and look away.. He was having fun I knew he was.. Having fun teasing me.. I blush and bite my lip.. Kakashi then walked up to me and smirked
"Sorry, can't help it" he says smiling. I blush and keep my head down.. "But your just look adorable when you blush..." He trails off his face going red.. I look at him and smile slightly..
"Yeah well.. Stop it.." I say quietly, he smiles
"We have a strange relationship don't we?" He asked, I smile but nod
"Yeah well thanks to me"
"Not all of its cause of you" he says quietly. I smile
"So.. What you want to do after the preliminaries?"
"Train you and Sasuke.. Whatever else no idea" he says leaning against the wall beside me and smiling, I smile back.,
"Sorry about.. What happened at ichiraku... That was supposed to stay in my head...." I mutter blushing. Kakashi chuckled
"Yeah.. It's alright.. Don't need to worry too much about it..."
"Still wasn't expecting to say it outloud"
"Y-yeah well..." He shuttered, I smiled at him..
"No ones noticed its me yet"
"Hm.. You look nice in what your wearing.." He commented making me blush darker
"Sensei! Stop it!" I shout pushing him back slightly, he chuckled
"What? You do.." He says blushing slightly, I giggle at him
"Your so weird Sensei" he smiled at me.. I swear he likes trying to flatter me.. He does it well do.. He just smiles as we watch.. Sure I was supposed to be in this but my fight wasn't until the end
"Better ready to get your butt kicked" someone growled. I look back with a sigh.. Fukawa's sister. She hates me for killing her brother. She's always said that she'll kill me for killing her brother.
"Hello mayami" I greet sighing, kakashi raises an eye brow.
"Ah so your kashime's students sister?" Kakashi asked,
"Fukawa never meant to die!" Mayami shouted. "You should of so no one would have to suffer anymore!" She shouted pointing at me. Here it goes again..
"Yeah I know don't need to tell me" I say annoyed. The cold tone I used when people spoke of my dead team like I killed them "and honestly I would have preferred to die that day, I wouldn't of had to go through my older siblings death and the pain of having almost everyone around me die" I growl, looking back to the arena "and for your information mayami, you won't be able to defeat someone who's taking the jounin exams" I growl
"You idiot!" She shouts going to punch me I caught her fist and squeezed it hard
"So shut up and leave me alone until the battle" I growl pushing her back. Kakashi watched me with a concerned look. I sigh
"Little pest" I grumbled annoyed as she ran back over to her team. Kakashi sighed, hand on my shoulder
"What was that all about?" He asked. I sigh
"Mayami thinks I killed her brother and the rest of my old team and wants revenge and all-"
"Not that, about everyone dying?" He asked. I looked at him and sighed
"Everyone who's died in my life has either something to do with me or I was there in the midst of it. Most people who hear the name Mitsuki kodayashi they think of a killer, kinda got sick of them telling me I killed my family.. So.. Decided to take the opportunity and dress as a boy and change my name.. I have a few reasons why I did but this is the main one" I whisper. Sighing
"Geez" he says quietly "another thing we have in common" he mumbled, I look at him
"Really?" I ask sadly. He nods.
"Geez why.. Is that something we have in common. Not good" I muttered sighing, he nods in agreement
"Just us I guess" he says quietly. I frown and lean against him
"Well I haven't killed team 7 yet" Kakashi nods
"Me either. Afraid it may happen soon though"
"Yeah.." Why is it that subject that we have to have in common, why couldn't it just be having your mom still alive or something, not that mine is. Mine died. Everyone did. I sigh "at least we have some good things in common right?" I ask, he just smiles.. Getting out of that depressed state of mind
"Yeah.." He says smiling, I then reach into his weapon poco making him blush brightly..
"Ehehehe... Sorry sensei" I whispered going to pull back
"No it's fine.." He whispered, I blushed and pulled out his book, I've learnt that when he has his book, I'll never get it off him. Especially when he's holding it. He holds it so tightly he'd rip the pages if I pulled on it the book would be destroyed along with me.. I then held up his book
"This wonder of art for instance" Kakashi smiled. He seems to smile so much around me. And I'm happy he does I then hand him his book. He took it from me and put it back in his weapon pouch. I pout
"Have to watch Sakura's round"
"Sakura?!" I shout spinning around on my heel. Kakashi chuckled and patted my head as he walked past to get a better look. I then ran up to him and grinned. Cheering my teammate on! Don't know why I was cheering Sakura on but she's my teammate and needs the support anyway so GO SAKURA!

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