Dirty trick

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I sweatdrop at the team. Not only are they still trying to find out what's fully under kakashi's mask they've stolen the three Mayo brothers uniforms and pretending to a be a rogue. Wow.. Hopefully they don't come anywhere near me, never the less kakashi will punch them even if they are his students. I sigh, sitting down on the grass
"Mitsuki-San!!!" Naruto shouts blushing as he ran over to me I sigh
"What's up Naruto?" I ask. Sakura was glaring at me as usual. Yay.
"You have to help us see what's under kakashi-sensei's mask!"
"I erased whatever glimpse of me they had in their mind last night" kakashi stated from behind me. The three genin the ran off. Kakashi smirked "they really are trying hard aren't they?"
"Yeah.. They are" I say sighing, "at least I won't have to worry about those idiots" I sigh.
"Come here" Kakashi whispered, pulling me onto his lap and hugging me
"So is it like your private springs?"
"I guess so. Not many people go around that area cause of the sheer cliffs and overgrown trees and bushes"
"So you'd have to be a ninja to get there?"
"Yeah" I smile
"Cool" I whisper snuggling up to him..
"You alright?"
"Yeah.. Just thinking about Hidan is all.."
"Why think about him when he doesn't care for you"
"Because he's the only family I have left.... I can't just forget about him"
"True.. But still.. Don't let thoughts about that idiot make you feel down" I smile
"your not gonna get angry at me cause i called your uncle an idiot are you?" He asked. I giggle
"Of course not, I agree that he's an idiot" Kakashi smiled and nodded
"Mm-hm" I sigh.. This mission is probably the weirdest one I've ever been on.

Time skip~!!
So kakashi ended up telling the team he knew about everything and all the other stuff they were doing and beat up the Mayo brothers
"Told you so" I say hands on my hips, they then all began to anime cry making me sweatdrop
"idiots" I mumble. Naruto then grinned and looked at me confused
"Koba-San... If your a girl where's you uh" Naruto then did a circular motion with his hands around his chest. I raise an eye brow
"They ran off" I state simply. Naruto then went pale...
"AHH!!!!" Naruto shouted freaking out, I sweatdrop..
"Geez" kakashi smirked
"Want me to?-"
"Yeah fine, hurts anyway" Kakashi then cut the bandages and pulled them from me making me sigh, Sakura and Sasuke then went wide eyed.
"Yeah" I whisper.  I then began to walk forward and sigh
"You guys coming or what?!" I shout back at them, they then began to walk forward Naruto staring at me. He then ran up to me and stared at my chest
"Are they..." I sigh as he poked me..
"Yes Naruto their real" I say sighing, kakashi sighed
"Naruto stop poking her, kinda rude" Kakashi growled lowly.. Naruto pulled back his hand at the sound of kakashi's voice and sweatdropped, a small pink blush on his cheeks as he rubbed the back of his neck
"Ah s-sorry kakashi-sensei" Naruto says laughing nervously, kakashi sighed and flicked naruto's forehead
"Baka" kakashi stated. Walking beside me. I sigh
"S-so Mitsuki-San?!" Naruto yelled catching up with us
"So you were lying to us?" Naruto asked, I sigh
"Yeah I was, Sakura now hates me" I say shrugging "but I'm not bothered by it" I say smiling, Naruto smiles
"Yeah. I think she hates me too" Naruto said the smile turning upside down to a frown, I sigh and pat his head
"Don't worry about her, shes just a jealous idiot" Naruto looked up at me confused
"She's jealous of how cool you are" I state smiling, though that might not be the case it still makes the blonde smile
"Yeah!" Naruto shouts grinning, I just smile. Kakashi and i's fingers intertwined like normal..
"So... are you and kakashi-sensei dating now?" Naruto asked, Sasuke and Sakura then ran up to us with curious eyes
"Are you?" The two said in sync. I sigh looking to kakashi who smiled
"Yeah.. We are" I answer, kakashi's cheeks then went red making me smile.. So weird.
"COOL!!!" Naruto shouts hugging me, I smile and pat his head. Kakashi sighed shaking his head and watching
"Why is it so cool that we're dating? I mean you guys only found out I was girl yesterday"
"SO WHAT?!" Naruto shouted grinning as he let go of me, Sasuke and Sakura staring at me.. I sigh kakashi rolled his eyes and pulled me to him.. Eyeing the team
"Come on" he whispers to me making me smile
"You guys keep going.." I say smirking as kakashi teleports us somewhere else., I smile at him as he leans against a tree keeping me hidden from the team.. We were only a across the road behind a tree but it was fun to hide from them, Naruto was looking around frantically while Sakura was drooling over Sasuke, sorry sasgay but I've left you to deal with the craziest fangirl I've ever met.. Hope you can forgive me. Kakashi chuckles and pulls me closer.
"Fun huh?"
"the hiding or what's coming?"
"Both" he says smirking as he pulls his mask down and kisses me. "Besides I haven't had a kiss yet"  I just smile and kiss him back.. Just relaxing in his hold..
"Hmm arigatou for 'saving' me from the Mayo brothers, very annoying idiots"
"Have to agree" he says quietly. Kakashi then looks back "coast is clear"
"For wha-" I then squeal loudly making him chuckle.. I just blush at him..
"so sensitive aren't you?"
"ITS NATURAL TO BE SENSITIVE IN THAT AREA KAKASHI!" I shout at him making him chuckle as he moved his finger along my clit.. Ah.. Why did he do that?! He just smiled
"Can't believe I had to wait for this"
"W-what do you mean by that?!" I shout.. Pouting, head against his shoulder
"Had to wait until you said were dating to touch you like this any sooner and well"
"I would have freaked out on you and screamed at you..."
"Yeah" he answered softly.. Rubbing his finger against the sensitive skin..
"When did you get so wet mitsu...?" He asked, I just blush and whine
"When I said I was dating you..."
"That was quick to get this wet though..." He whispered.. I whine at him and move closer..
"Hmm kakashi it'll be dark soon.. We have to-"
"The team can wait another few minutes for us" he whispered in my ear making me whine..
"Ah... Kakashi d-DON'T!!!" I shout the last bit as he teases me.. Pressing his finger against my entrance.. I whine at him again making him smile. He then took his finger away and chuckled
"Good?" I frown at him
"Better then good..." I whisper, pouting, kakashi just smiled as he took hold of my hand and lead me back onto the road, teleporting us back to the team who were waiting patiently at the gates of our village.

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