Chapter One

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"Hey Danny, it's me. Give me a call. Let me know everything's okay." Frustrated Jaime hit the end call button on his phone.

"Hey, voicemail again?" Eddie asked appearing from the squad room.

"Yeah, third time. You hear anything new?" Since they got the word a detective from the 5-4 had been shot in the line, Jaime had been calling his brother and Eddie had been listening for any clues as to the officer's identity.

"Lady called 911, said she was out walking her dog, heard yelling from behind a fence. Someone being accused of being a cop. Shots fired," she replied.

Eddie could see how much this was eating at him. She knew he lost a brother in the line, but as open as he was with her, he rarely spoke about that. She was keenly aware that if this went bad it would fall to her to support Jaime until she delivered him to his family, but for now she would do her best to keep him positive.

"There's still no name?" Jaime asked, subconsciously knowing her answer. If she had a name she would end his misery.

"Only that he was rushed to St. Benjamin's" Eddie replied. "A couple of guys are headed over."

"I'm gonna ask the Boss if we can too, just in case, all right?" Jaime was already moving toward Renzulli's office.

Eddie had no choice but to agree. He was always there for her, always. "Okay, come on, there's got to be 15 detectives in the 5-4 squad. Odds are it isn't your brother."

In his head, Jaime knew she was right. Logically, the chances were it wasn't Danny, but his gut knew all too well how it felt when your blood was spilled, it felt like that now.

"Reagan! Janko! My office!" Sergeant Renzulli called out. Jaime felt his heart leap into his throat and looked over at Eddie.

"Come on, it's okay. He's probably just gonna yell at us for missing assignments and being on your phone," Eddie gave Jaime a gentle shove.

They sat in front of Renzulli's desk, their boss' expression was not one of anger. His face was soft and his doe brown eyes gentle. Eddie ached to hold Jaime's hand and absorb some of the blow she knew was coming but she didn't dare.

"Janko, you and Reagan get over to St. Benjamin's. The ID finally came in on the detective...your family needs you, Reagan."

Jaime didn't react, his face was set like granite. Eddie expected a very emotional reaction from her sensitive partner. "I'd rather be out searching for this piece of garbage, Sarg."

"We'll get him for you Reagan. We'll get him for Danny. Thirty-five thousand cops are gonna be hunting this guy. Right now go be a brother."

"Come on, J, let's go. I'll drive." Eddie took him by the arm and led him outside to her personal car. Halfway to St. Benjamin's Jaime's phone rang. "Hey, Dad. I'm on my way now, Dad. No, Eddis is...Twenty minutes...Likely or unlikely?"

Eddie listened and watched, "Any news?"

"My dad says he took one in the knee and one in the chest. He is going to surgery now. I won't get to see him before he goes in there. I won't get to say goodbye...Or promise him I will take care of Linda..."

"Hey, Jaime, you don't know you have to do that. He's got great doctors, a lot to live for..."

"So did Joe!" Jaime snapped. 'But Joe didn't have maybe...Joe died Eddie! He died just like this!"

"I know he did," Eddie replied softly. "But we don't know Danny will. Don't write him off, J."

Jaime fell silent and stayed that way until they arrived at the hospital. The rest of the family was already there. As Jaime hugged his family members, Eddie felt out of place.

Erin was close to her, she finally turned to her and said, "I'm so sorry for what happened."

"Thank you," Erin replied gently. "Thank you for looking after my little brother."

"Just returning the favor, Ma'am," Eddie replied. "Jaime's a terrific partner. I'm glad we ride together."

Eddie made her condolences to Frank and Linda and offered prayers with those of Detective Baez and Sergeant Gormley. After an hour she went to Jaime. "I think I'm gonna go back to the squad, see where the investigation is going..."

"Um, can you just stay please? Maybe take Nikki and the boys to get food, keep them occupied until we hear something." The truth was he didn't want let his partner go, he could bear up with her at his back.

"Yeah, sure, of course. Anything you need. Come on guys, let's go get some food your moms wouldn't approve of."

Linda fumbled around with her purse but Eddie put up her hand, "Don't worry about it." She disappeared with the kids.

Jaime was holding onto Linda as they waited. He never had that talk with Danny, they never let themselves go there or his older brother didn't trust him enough, he wasn't sure which. "You doing all right?" he asked her gently.

"I'm a nurse, Jaime. A bullet in the chest, even if it's not fatal," she sighed. "Things might never be the same. I'm trying not to think about that."

"I understand, just know no matter what happens, I'm gonna be there for you and the boys. I'm gonna find who did this to Danny. I promise you."

"Jaime, don't talk like that. This isn't the time for that," Frank broke in. "We'll get the shooter, we always do. No matter how long it takes, we'll get him."

The next hours dragged. Frank paced, Henry and Erin sat quietly in prayer, Baez and Gormley stepped outside at regular intervals to check on the progress of the case. Jaime remained attached to Linda's side, while Eddie kept the three youngest Reagans close under her wing. Finally the doctor appeared. The kids went to their mothers, Eddie went to Jaime. This time she held his hand firmly.

"He's made it out of surgery to the SICU. We repaired the damage to his lung, inflated it and patched the tissue but he will need ventilation assistance until the lung has a chance to heal. We removed the bullet that shattered his knee and repaired the artery but he'll need extensive reconstructive surgery when he's stronger. He's not out of the woods but he's stable for now. If he makes it through the next few days, the prognosis will improve significantly."

"Can we see him?" Frank asked. He just wanted to see his boy.

"Two at a time for ten minutes, perhaps you and his wife..." Frank nodded and rushed back to see Danny with Linda at his side.

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