Boarding School Challenge

392 5 0

Challenge Recommended by - 123damselindistress321

World requirements:
Delete school

CAS requirements:
Make 7 students. If you have a mod that lets you have more than 8 sims in a household, you may add more. They can be all be boys, all girls, or mixed, it doesn't matter. Then make 1 teacher. If you have a mod that lets you have more than 8 sims in a household, you may add more. The teacher(s) can be a male or female. Nobody's clothes matter, so you can have uniforms or original clothes. The students have to have the following:
The teacher has to have the following:
-Natural Cook
Build/Buy requirements:
Build a large school. It has to have:
-1 dorm with enough beds for all of your students.
-1 dorm for (each of) your teacher(s).
-1 kitchen with a fridge, stove, microwave, food processor, a sink, dishwasher, and a locked door.
-1 dining room with 1 OR 2 tables and chairs.
-1 art room with enough easels for every student.
-1 music room with enough guitars for every student.
-1 library with a lot of bookshelves and couches.
-1 computer lab with enough computers for every student and teacher.
-1 logic room with enough chess tables for every student.
-1 athletic room with treadmills, the other athletic thingy, and an indoor pool.
-1 pond with an uncommon fish spawned from buydebug.
-1 detention room with a bed, table, and chair.

Everyone has to master at least 5 skills before they become a young adult. If they master the 5 skills, they get to move away. If they didn't master the 5 skills before young adulthood, they get held back and can't move away until they master 6 skills.
The teacher shall cook 3 meals each day: breakfast, 6:00 am, lunch, 11:00 am,  and dinner, 6:00 pm. All students have to be in bed by 9:00 pm
Each day they go to 2 classes, one from breakfast to lunch, the other from lunch to dinner, and get free time from dinner until time to go to bed. If someone is not in bed by 9:00 pm, they go to detention for a day and have to make up missed classes on Saturday and Sunday.
Everyone not in detention gets 2 free days on Saturday and Sunday. On Saturday, they don't have a bedtime, but on Sunday they do.

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