19 2 9

Holy flippin' crap.

I'm literally dying.

I'm trying not to cry, really, I am.

I've got one RP where some characters got murdered (you know who you are).

Got another where one of my characters gave birth, one is to become a villain and the twin sister may not live (you know who you are, same as the first).

Another one where romance feels are going on (you know who you are).

And another where more romance feels and angst stuff is going on (you know who you are, same as third).

Got, yet, another one with romance and guilty feels have come into play (you know who you are).

And then there's just that one in the corner that's just plain cute and adorable (you know who you are).

Four different people are RPing with me at the same time (sorta).

This is what happens when you RP too much.

But I love it anyway!

Woah Brain! Calm Yourself!Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt