Chapter 44. Heal

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Here it is!

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Got power back Wednesday night. I hated not having internet or cell service, or AC. I is happy now. Here is your chapter. I hope it is good.

Chapter 44. Heal

She wished she'd gone on that mission when Naruto had come to her house in the early hours of the morning. Her feelings had got the better of her. Anger and self-defeat nearly consumed her. Neji, Choji, Kiba. Those three boys were injured on the mission. If she had gone when Naruto asked, they wouldn't have been lying in the hospital. The only one that was out was Kiba. And Shikamaru only had a broken finger. No matter how many times she chided herself, she knew she couldn't change what happened.

Tears pricked at her eyes, bringing her from her thoughts. "Damn," she knew they were pitiful tears. She blinked them back, not allowing Sasuke's departure and her mistake to let her lose her dignity. She did not know why, but crying made her feel like she was losing her dignity. The times when she cried in front of Sasuke were the times she hated herself most; at least he never brought it up or told anyone. Crying made her feel as if she was defeated.

It wasn't the case.

She would never be defeated like this.

At least, she hoped not.

But everyone loses.


The girl was silent as she walked down the beaten path along the Nakano River that led to the Nakano shrine. She had snuck onto the old Uchiha land where they once lived. It had been so long since it was used. She didn't know why she came here. Maybe she wandered onto their land for answers. Or she was just looking to get her mind off of a few things.

This was not the way.

Now she had a million questions traveling through her mind, taking root at the very front.

Why did Itachi kill the clan?

Sasuke said it was because he wanted more power and to test his abilities, but what if it wasn't?

What is the history between our clans?

If my clan's power rivaled the Uchiha's, then were they once a coalition?

Did they ever arrange marriages?

Wait, why is that a question? That's not important.

Wait, what if I am an Uchiha?! Wait, nah, that can't be. Ew, if I was though, that would mean it was incest.

Yuzuki shook her head at her wandering thoughts, balancing herself on the cliffs edge to the Nakano River. The shrine stood in the distance, it's structure standing tall with pride, but it's walls rundown and old.

The wind whipped her hair around her head as she stood on the edge, peering down into the river. A particularly strong gust of wind caught her and she almost tumbled over when a hand reached out, grabbing the back of her shirt and pulling her back. She landed on her behind, and she cursed under breath at the bruise that would form. "What are you doing here? Can't you just cloud watch like me? Woman," he 'tsked' shaking his head and letting out a long sigh. "You're such a drag."

"And you're an annoying moron," she retorted, standing up and dusting herself off.

"Do you have some vendetta against me?"

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