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She couldn't get enough of it. She didn't know why she kept coming back to it. It was small. Not very long. It wasn't passionate or sexy, no it was soft, gentle. His hands cupped her face, his lips kissed her forehead, and suddenly her doubts were gone. So what if her mother was in the next room thinking it was 1989 and she had a surgery to get to, and a daughter to ignore? So what if her life was crumbling?

"Shush," He had mumbled, his thumbs stroking her cheek. Those blue eyes were deep, staring into her, but comforting. She stared back with her own blue green eyes, full of worry and doubt.
Meredith Grey could not get that kiss out of her damn mind. She wanted it again. She wanted to be released from her demons, to feel his warm body hold her. The simplicity of a forehead kiss was almost magical.
She also loathed it. Meredith frowned, upset at how a single kiss could pull her mind away from her tasks. How damn fine Derek looked after he kissed her. Like everything was right in his world. He was always so satisfied. She blushed, thinking about his expressions during sex. Derek always started gentle, tenderly, watching her reactions to his touch before escalating his passion. He'd close his eyes, breathing deeply through his nose when he reached release, quickly turning his attention to making her release. Derek Shepherd was a gentleman even in bed.
And she hated that. She hated this feeling, this urge to have him. She hated that she could self comfort but never in the way Derek comforted her. That enraged her. Meredith had to rely on someone else to make her feel the best, to pick up her pieces. By kissing her stupid forehead.
And she loved it.

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