Part 5

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Amelia's POV

All during Mr. Wilcox's class, I was constantly annoyed by Chase. Yeah you heard that right Chase. What are the odds that the super hot guy that tried to bribe me into kissing him would have the same class as me.

But I couldn't complain that much, Chase was the only person I sorta knew in the class. But I guess it wasn't a good thing to know him. Once we arrived, late that is, I was met with glares. I was taken aback from the sudden change of atmosphere. Eventually I found out that Chase was some kind of big shot here at school. How you may ask, well...

"Chase, what times the big game?"

"Hey Chase have you been working out?"

"Chase you didn't call me last night"

Apparently Mr. Big shot here was none other than the captain of the soccer team. That explains why he acted so arrogant the moment he met me. He probably figured I would just automatically fall head over heels for his bright blue eyes, or charming smile, or defined physique or hi — wait why am I thinking about him. Ok I'll admit he's quite good looking but I'm not looking for a relationship that's just going to leave me in the end shattered and broken. Right now I really need to concentrate.

Focusing back on the polynomial on the board I tried to focus my brain on what Mr. Wilcox was trying to show the class. Trying being the word. The poor man has been trying to teach the same function for over twenty minutes now with no results. Apparently this class can't seem to know the meaning of multiplication. But alas the bell rang and a frustrated Mr. Wilcox dismissed class, mumbling some incoherent words in the process.

I was heading out when when I heard my name being called.

"AMELIA! Hey Amelia wait up!"

I turn around only to find Chase right at my tail. Feeling mischievous I quickly scurry towards my locker. It was no use though seeing as though Chase is the captain of the soccer team, he caught up to me with ease.

"Hey, didn't you hear me calling you" he said, seeming perplexed.

Deciding to use my great acting skills I feign having heard him.
"You were calling me?" I said with a confused expression.

"Yeah, I did. And the moment I did I could have sworn I saw you pick up your pace" he determined. Obviously my acting skills aren't going to help me now and would only give me away more. I guess he is more observant then he looks.

"Ok you caught me, so what brings you to me now. Stalking me are you? I think it's kind of creepy and all, since I just met you. " I was literally messing with him now, if you couldn't tell.

"Obviously not, since we did come out of the same class. I was just wondering if you wanted to sit with us at lunch. "

Well that wasn't what I expected. But what the heck it's not as if I have a handful of friends to sit by. I'd rather not be that loner new kid who ends up having to hang out in the bathroom just so everyone else doesn't notice that they have no one to hang with.

"Yeah sure, where should we meet?" I inquired since I doubt we have the next two classes together.

"Give me your phone" taking my phone I guess he was putting in his number.

"There" he said. I could have sworn I saw a mischievous twinkle in his eye but I could just be imagining things. Breaking out of my thoughts I hear him start to talk to me again. "Text me when you get out of class and I'll personally escort you to lunch."

"Aww, what a gentleman. " I said in fake aww.

"Hey, I was always taught to treat a girl with respect" he said while raising his hands up in surrender.

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