Part 6

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Amelia's POV

Mr. Shepard's class was a total drag. He just droned on and on about the difference between heat and temperature. And I was so far gone into my own world I hadn't noticed the bell ringing. I caught a quick glimpse of thing 1 leaving the room. I still hadn't known his name but what does it matter anyways.  I quickly take out my phone and searched for Chase's name. But for some reason his name wasn't on here. I check my whole contacts list and finally found him under 'H'. Why you might ask, well this idiot put his contact info as 'Hotstuff' with a kissy face emoji. I couldn't stop the grin that took over my face. Well someone  sure does think highly of themselves. With another chuckle, I press on the call button and call him.

"So I see you were able to contact me no problem." He stated with humor set in his voice.

"Yeah but I don't think that was such an appropriate name. I think 'airhead' would have suited you better" I said jokingly.

"You know it's true Mel's, now if you wouldn't mind telling me where you are..."

I froze the moment he said Mel's. It's not that I didn't like it, it's just that all my friends back home would call me Mel's. Alex was included in that mix. He was actually the one to formally introduce that as my new nickname. Oh how I miss him. Maybe a little too much. I guess it would have to be due to the fact that I had developed a little crush over the years. Yeah I know, cliche but I can't help it. He was such a gentleman and a complete goofball at the same time.

A voice on the other hand of the receiver broke me from my thoughts.

"Amelia? You still there?" Chase said in a serious voice this time.

"Yeah. Yeah I'm here I just got a little distracted that's all."

"Oh, ok well what class you in?" I almost forgot that he didn't know what class I was in.

"Umm, k205 Mr. Shepard's class" I stated.

"Ok I'll be there in a minute"

"Ok then, bye" I heard a quick bye and the call was ended.

Surveying my surroundings, I saw all unfamiliar faces. One face though stuck out. It was that girl I had met earlier today when I got my schedule. I wonder if she remembers me from this morning. As if sensing I was looking in her direction she turns in my way. A bright smile adorns her face. She says something real quick to her friends and starts walking towards me. 

"Hey " she says all too enthusiastically. "I remember you. Your my new best friend" she declares.

"Uhh yeah you were the girl from this morning. "

"Yup, that's me. I'm Hannah. Hannah Anderson. I just remembered we hadn't properly introduced ourselves." She said in an all too excited voice.

"Yeah I know the moment I turned around with my schedule I saw that you were gone" a light laugh escaped my lips. "I'm Amelia by the way".

"Well Amelia, if your not hanging with anyone at lunch, would you like to sit with us" I was about to reply when Chase's voice came through.

"Well I see you found my sister then Mel's. " I quickly turn around and face him.

"Really?" I said incredulously.

"Yup, twins actually but we all know who's the better looking one" Chase said all too confidently. I couldn't help but laugh. Hannah soon joined me in mocking her brother.

"You guys are mean" Chase said now sporting a pouty lip.

"Hey you bring this all upon yourself. We all know that I'm much more prettier and smarter too" Hannah finishes. I glance between the both of them as they commence bickering. So being the kind of person to intervene I cut in and spoke.

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