Chapter 4

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Why? Why me? Why is it that life keeps throwing curveballs left and right? Can't life give me a break, for once. All I ask is for one more week, that's all. But no apparently life hates me and insists on making me suffer. Who would have thought that one word could make me shudder. School.

Yeah I figured I would have to start school eventually, but I didn't think it would come that soon. It had been about a week since I met Sophia. A week since I came to live with my dad. And a week since I hadn't seen mom.

I really missed mom. I called her several times throughout the week.  All I would get from her though was that everything was alright and not to worry about her, but the words she spoke were far from the truth. I could hear it in her voice. Mom sounded unlike her normal self. The pitch in her voice has gone down and the warmness in her voice was no more. Mom took the news of dad's new fiancé pretty hard at first, but when she found out she was living with us, it crushed her. More so the fact that I had mentioned to her that Sophia and I had many similarities.

I guess I blame myself for her current mood. Maybe if I hadn't had said anything she would be fine. But I couldn't lie to her. And if I kept that information from her she would end up finding out some other way. In hindsight it was for the best.

But what was certainly not for the best was having to drag myself out of bed to take a shower.

It's already seven and I'm still in bed. But reluctantly I wallowed out of bed. Taking a shower wasn't the hard part. The hard part was deciding on what to wear. As much as I think I know what I'm gonna wear I always end up changing like a bigillion times before I manage to find the one. Frustratingly enough the one always end up being the first thing I tried on.

Grabbing my bag I head downstairs. I can't believe I was able to get ready in under 40 minutes. Must be a new record.

Once I reached downstairs I saw dad reading what I assume was the newspaper and Sophia making breakfast. I gave dad a quick kiss on the cheek and waved to Sophia. Before I step out the door I hear brief good byes but quickly proceed.

Stepping outside I climb into my car. Yeah you heard right, a car. Remember the surprise dad was talking about, apparently it was a car. So now I'm sporting a brand new Lexus. I didn't think I knew what love was until I saw it. I love it.

Not wasting anymore time I start it up and back out of the driveway. The school isn't far from the house. Dad says it's about an eight minute drive. And surely enough I come in view of Ridgewood high.

I end up parking in the far parking lot due to the pack of available parking in the front. I check my phone. I have about 20  minutes til the first bell rang. I quickly exit my car and head towards the main office. But I should've known I would get lost in a school this big. Ridgewood high was twice as big as my old one. Students were scattered everywhere. You could already see that cliques were a thing. You have your preps, your needs, band kids, cheerleaders, Emo kids, jocks(ranging from all types of sports) and so on.

Feeling a slight tap on my shoulder I turn around. A girl with blonde hair and a perky smile stood behind me.

"Your new here arnt you."she said. Her smile not once faltering.

" yeah how'd you know?" I said, a bit confused.

"Well for starters I don't recall seeing your face around here. And cause you keep walking up and down, lost " I chuckle at her last remark. My lack of direction came through for once. Hopefully she'll be able to direct me to the office.

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