Two - NerdyBirdie!

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Two - NerdyBirdie!

Name: Emily

Favourite Book: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

Favourite Quote: “The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” – Eleanor Roosevelt. 

Wattpad Member Since: August 17th 2011


Hello, NerdyBirdie!

What age did you start writing stories, and what led you to do so?

I think it was around six. My imagination had always been a prominent part of my life, and writing stories was a way of expressing my creativity.

What was the first story you ever wrote and what was it about?

The first proper “book” I ever wrote was about a rabbit called Rose who believed her family were abandoning her – it turned out that they had bought a new house and it was a surprise! Ah, those were the days!

What would you say inspires your writing?

Everything and anything – everyday events, certain songs, sometimes a completely random, inanimate object!

Do you ever get “Writer’s Block”? If so, how do you overcome it?

It’s a hard process, and sometimes it becomes too much. Usually, I just clamp down and force myself to write, but with my story “The Troubles of a Cheerleader”, I felt I couldn’t write it anymore. I’ll probably continue it in the future, but for now it is staying on hold!

Do you have a preferred genre to read or write?

When reading, I’ll read most things: Teen-fiction, romance, humour, vampire, historical fiction – the list goes on. I’m really not keen on reading werewolf, horror, mystery/suspense, thrillers or sci-fi. My comfort zone in writing is teen-fiction and modern-adventure.

Would you say writing is a hobby, or are you more serious about your work?

For now, a hobby, but later in life – who knows?

Do you have a “pet peeve” when it comes to writing or reading stories?

I really hate incorrect use of commas or no commas at all. It really irks me!

Out of all of the stories you have written, (whether on Wattpad or otherwise) do you have a favourite, and why?

At the moment, “This is Me”. I’ve got so much enthusiasm and drive to write it at the moment and it’s been a fairly good success so far, too!

Now for a simple, yet complicated question: Why do you write?

I write because I find it a way of expressing my emotions, putting small ideas into the world through writing and for other people in the world to enjoy something that has come from my mind.

Thank you, NerdyBirdie for this interview! Would you like to say any parting words?

“Bye!” – Only joking, only joking! Live – Laugh – Love – Read – Write – Sleep

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