Four - Cataclysm!

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Four – Cataclysm!

Name: Liv, username is Cataclysm

Favourite Book: Unwind by Neal Shusterman

Favourite Quote: "I believe I can fly."

Wattpad Member Since: March on another account, around July on this one.


Hello, Cataclysm!

What age did you start writing stories, and what led you to do so?

Started writing stories in fifth grade because I was lonely in my new school. I got more serious in sixth grade because of family issues.

What was the first story you ever wrote and what was it about?

I have no clue. I've forgotten how many stories I've written. I guess the early ones probably had a lot to do with fantasy.

What would you say inspires your writing?

Pretty much anything that piques my interest. I'll be in the library and see a girl with a sweatshirt that reads, "MISERABLE" on the back, and I'll get an idea. Or maybe I'll be walking through the halls and see a guy reading alone with ketchup on his fingers, and I'll get an idea. The stories I value most were started from random things in life, the lesser ones are inspired by more personal things. Go figure.

Do you ever get “Writer’s Block”? If so, how do you overcome it?

I'll give you the answer I give everyone: I have a perpetual writer's block that only goes away when I force myself to type so hard that my fingers bleed.

Do you have a preferred genre to read or write?

I like to read Horror, Fantasy, and Historical Fiction, preferably all together. I like to write Fantasy, Teen Fiction (with realistic problems that teens face all the time), and Horror.

Would you say writing is a hobby, or are you more serious about your work?

Writing is the only thing that makes me feel alive, cheesy as that sounds. It's what I want to spend the rest of my life doing. So no, it isn't just a hobby.

Do you have a “pet peeve” when it comes to writing or reading stories?

I hate grammar mistakes. I hate it when things aren't realistic. I hate writing that doesn't flow well. I hate thinking up first sentences because they have to be perfect and I'm not perfect. But my biggest pet peeve is happy endings- I think they're stupid.

Out of all of the stories you have written, (whether on Wattpad or otherwise) do you have a favourite, and why?

I loved a romance I wrote about a murderous creep and an ugly girl, but I stopped after chapter seven and lost it to the dirty trash bin of Mac.

Now for a simple, yet complicated question: Why do you write?

I have many answers for this, but I'll give a simple, yet complicated answer: Because I was born to.

Thank you, Cataclysm, for this interview! Would you like to say any parting words?

Yes. My parting words are: Quesadilla, footprint, and alphabet.

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