The Secrets out "oops"

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Kai's POV

After Lloyd had stormed off everyone was rendered speechless. We all just kinda parted ways to go do our own thing, Zane went to bake, Cole went to taste test, Jay went off to work on some gadgets, and Nya went to do more research.

It was a little awkward atmosphere so I went to train some in the training room.


You could see the sunset. It was about time to relax and probably get some sleep for me. Everyone else was still wide awake but I was pretty exhausted.

"Where's Lloyd?" I asked Nya. She was busy reading so she shrugged her shoulders to indicate that she didn't know. Which probably means he was still napping.

"Okay well, I'm going to go wake him."

Lloyd's POV

It must've been a long nap that I took because by the time I opened my eyes again it was dark outside. That's weird. How had I slept for that long? I didn't feel groggy at all. I felt really relaxed actually.

The door had slowly creaked open. And sure enough Kai was standing there in the doorway.


"I just came to check on you. You've been napping all day silly." He chuckled and immediately I felt goosebumps all over me as he slowly walked forward.

He slowly pulled off his shirt. Why is everything he does slow but sexy? That's just cruel.

He then proceeded to take off his pants. I thought he was going to put on some pj's but what came next surprised me, he got in bed and crawled over top. I should've known this was another dream.

"So what if it is?" He asked. He read my thoughts causing a pink tint to land on my face. "You like them don't you?" Sinful thoughts clouded me as I nodded, I didn't care if this was a succubus or not, I wanted Kai.

Kai's POV

I hummed to myself as I walked casually down the hallway.

I arrived at the bedroom door and opened it. The creaking I thought would wake him but it didn't. I paced over to him I reached to wake him when I heard

"Kai~" For a second I thought Maybe he saw me. But then I realized that his eyes were still closed and not only that but it came as a fithly dirty moan.

"Uh~." And there it was again. Lloyd was lying on his back, face red, grabbing at the sheets above him. He lightly thrusted upwards indicating that he was having a dream.

He groaned and kept a steady slow pace thrusting upwards. My face turned red realizing what I was watching. This was bad but I couldn't look away. Something about the way he was squirming beneath the sheets made him seem.....seem cute. Submissive almost.

Something about it was very distracting. It made me not want to look away. Then I heard it. His panting got heavier and he released a loud moan, one with a name.

"Kai~" There it was again. A thicker and louder one. So I did hear correctly?

His panting started to slow and he released his grip on the bedsheets.

Woah. Did I just witness what I think I did?

I didn't even have time to react when his eyes fluttered open.

His breathing still heavy, "Kai?"

"Uh- um." I darted out of the room quickly and ran straight for the bathroom. I locked the door behind me and leaned against the wall.

I replayed the scene in my head, his moaning and panting along with the wonderful way my name left his pink puffy lips.

"Stop it Kai!" I whispered to myself. I looked down to find a small tent in my pants. That's not good.

Lloyd's POV

I shot up out of bed and gazed around. It was just me in the room but I could've sworn that someone was there. No, I was probably still having my dream. I don't know. But I did know that I had a mess to clean up and some laundry to do.

When are these dreams going to end?

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