Our Little Secret (pt 2)

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Kai's POV

The rest of the day went on. You could tell things were weird between me and Lloyd. It was too obvious. He was avoiding talking to me, or even looking at me. You'd think after that kiss we'd be all over eachother, but no he wouldn't stick around in one place for too long, especially if we were going to be alone. Once one or two people left the room he would to.

Eventually we were all cleaning up the kitchen together. Well everyone eventually just sat around the table while Lloyd did the dishes.

"Ugh, I'm so stuffed!" Cole grumbled.

"Heh you better be careful. You're going to get fat!" Jay teased him.

"Shut up! Other than what little muscle you have you're practically skin and bones!" He pushed his chair away and grabbed Jay by the shirt. They've been at it for awhile now.

"I must go oil my arms they seem to be locking up." Zane left.

"All right you two!" Nya grabbed them by the ears.

"Ow! Ouch!" They cried.

"We're going to have a talk!" She pulled them to the monitoring room.

I chuckled at those poor excuses for ninjas.

It was just me and Lloyd now and he hasn't even looked up, let alone smile at Cole and Jay.

I crept up behind him and snaked my arms around his waist. You could feel him jolt at my sudden move. He still didn't acknowledge my presence.

I breathed on his neck and whispered, "You can't ignore me forever you know." I could feel the tension in his back while he continued to rinse the dishes off. I pushed forward on his back, making him closer to the sink. I reached over and turned the faucet off.

He sighed and stopped moving.

The first words he's said to me all day, "I'm not ignoring you."

"Then why are you avoiding me? Constantly." I questioned angrily.

"Because," he turned around and pushed me away, "none of this is real. I don't want something that's fake." He still hasn't looked me in the face.

I moved in closer. I was mad. How could he say this wasn't real? I do want this. At first I wasn't sure but I am now. Me and Lloyd have known eachother for years! The only other person who knows me better than him is my sister Nya.

"How would you know this isn't real?"

"That's just it Kai! How do I know? I don't know what to believe! But you want to know what I think? You're so good at flirting with other girls all the time! I can't believe what you tell me! How? How am I suppose to? I'd rather have dreams that are fake than feelings!" By the time he was finished his face was red and his eyes were watery.

"Lloyd," I sigh, "Please give me a chance to prove it." I did have feelings for him. I know I did. Strong ones.

I pressed against him again.

His breath hitched as I gave him a quick kiss. "I swear, I'm not just doing this because I have to, I'm doing this because I want to."

He sighed and pushed me away.

"Fine." He said.
"But if you're lying," he stopped to wipe his tears, "I'll never forgive you." And just like that, he was gone. Out the door before I could say a word.

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