Please Keep This A Secret

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Jay's POV


Jesus. I angrily roll over in my bed and slam down on my alarm clock that isn't there, realizing that last night we had put it on Cole's bedside table instead of mine.

I groan in frustration once more before yelling, "Cole! Turn it off damn it!"

"You!" He groaned in frustration. Then one by one all of the guys began to wake up. Kai a little more angry than usual, threw off his blanket and slammed down on the alarm clock, basically breaking it.

The door slowly crept open and Nya's eyes glanced through the room.

"Wakey wakey eggs and Bac-" Kai interrupted her, "Not right now Nya," he sighed angrily while picking up the broken pieces of the alarm clock and throwing them in the trash bin.

"Jeeze someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning." She rolled her eyes.

We all clambered out of bed. And rushed to get dressed before sensei decided to show up too. If he found out that we were still in bed he would make training more difficult then it already was.

As we were training I thought about all of the plans I had today. Hm let's see:

1. Helping Zane fix his falcon.
2. I have to buy a new alarm clock.
...And I'm basically done? Man I need a life...

And then it hit me. I remembered one last thing I needed to do today.

3. Mine and Cole's date.

I blushed slightly at the thought of calling it that. And put my head in my hands embarrassed.

I felt somebody pat my shoulder. I looked up to see Ariel.

"Uh, you okay there pal?" She gave me a crooked smile. She said herself once that she wasn't that good with people but she was willing to try and help out anyway she could for us. I secretly appreciated that.

"Uh- yeah fine I guess just nervous about- uh something."

She laughed and told me "Hey whatever you're nervous about I'm sure it'll end up just fine."

I hope so. I thought.


Later that afternoon I had done everything that I planned. Now all that was left was mine and Cole's da- lunch. I could feel my face heat up again but I had no clue why. What's so embarrassing about going to lunch with one of your friends to talk? Nothing, right? But it didn't just feel like that.

Cole had already left to go do things early and told me to meet him at the small cafe downtown. So I got ready and prepared myself.

When I first walked through the small door my heart started pounding and my feet felt heavy. Everything about this situations kept making me feel hot. I spotted Cole at a table in the corner by a window. I slowly walked his way watching his every move. He hadn't quite noticed me yet. He was busy looking at the menu- the desert section of course.

He finally glanced up and saw me as I gently sat down across from him. Our eyes locked for a moment. "Oh hey Jay," he said smiling. He's smiling at me. He always did have a nice smile. It suited his strong features.

I smiled back, "Hey."

We awkwardly sat there for a few moments not really sure what to say. Then Cole noticeably cleared his throat and starting rambling, "Look Jay, we're friends and honestly it sucks to see how bad we've been towards each other and honestly-"

"I think we need to spend more time with each other," I blurted.

We both froze and I couldn't believe what I had just said. That was so embarrassing but it was the truth I really did want to spend more time with Cole.

"I agree." He smiled back. His smile eased my anxiety for the situation.

Then we shared small talk and ate peacefully together. No arguments, fighting, or yelling insults. And it was a good day.

A/N I'm horrible sorry.
Oh and btw if you're interested in stuff like this

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