Chapter 1 - Invisible

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No-one had spoken to Rapunzel in years. She felt so alone. Sure, it was better than being a prisoner in the tower. But she was too alone, no-one saw her. Years passed by and Rapunzel stayed young as if she couldn't age.

She always played with the flowers she made for herself.

"Soon your life will change, my child" Rapunzel first thought it was her mom speaking. But no... It was the sun.

"What? What do you mean? You've said that for years. You always says so! But nothing happens anyway!" Rapunzel said crying.

Rapunzel flew, too the place were she lost everything. The lake. She were over it. Rapunzel saw something that shined in the water. Her curiosity took fire as she dived into the water to get the shiny thing

When she grabbed it she swimmed up. The shiny thing were heavy,

She looked at it. It was a...

Frying pan?

She decided too keep it.

"I wonder what I can use this for" she said laughing and pretended too hit someone with it.

But her laugh stopped, she decided too fly to the village. She sighed as she flew away.

As Rapunzel stood on the gates of the village she sighed.

"Watch me!" she screamed, well ofcourse no one noticed her.

"please... Just eh... Look at me... Anything.." Rapunzel said as tears started too stream down her face. She forced herself to stop crying like a baby.

The boy was sitting in his little tree, well ofcourse it wasn't his tree. He just sat in a tree.

Not many people belived in him.

Just Jamie and his friends and might some other ones. People still walked right through him. And that did make him sad and depressed.

Jack Frost was his name. One of the five guardians. Just as he looked abow the sky, he find a different... Light...

He looked at it. Just two words got him:

North. Pole.

"Hey wind! Take me too the north pole" he said right out in the air as he grabbed his staff and flew right up.


Jack landed on Norths red round christmas carpet in the big room were Jack were bought too first day he become a guardian.

Just a seconds later a hole were made in the ground and two long ears looked up.

Bunnymund jumped up and the hole were gone.

"Oh... I think I am faster than you!" Jack said with a laugh.

"Well Sandy was here before yaa!" Bunnymund said and pointed at the tiny guardian who waved and crossed his arms.

"Thats means that you came third" Jack said.

"Hey guys! Sorry, I'm late!" Toothiana were flying into the room.

"Great we all are here" North said.

"your quiet" Jack mumbled.

"Why are we here?" Tooth asked.

"Great question." Bunnymund said.

"The man in the moon told me to get you all here" A quiet silence were maked in the room.

Jack was the one who broke the silence.

"But... Why?" he seem'd a bit confused.

"My friend have choosed you a new guardian" Everyones eyes popped out, well not litterly but they were suprised. One more? What was the man on the moon talking about?


A/N: Please leave a comment of what you think.

My english isn't wery good, and yeah. This chapter was short.

Well please vote or just comment and I will bring much love too this story

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