Chapter 4 - The dreams

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Rapunzels POV

I thought that all of them were really nice too me. Almost too nice. I was really confused over the news, that I was some kind of guardian like them.
I couldn't be one of them. I do not even know who I was... Just my name.. And that I can make flowers. Whos that gonna help? The santa, or North had showed me a room were I was going to sleep. It was pretty big and it was really cute. It was night now and I was a bit tired so, I lied down on my bed and I was soon asleep.

"You remember those bed time stories? Well heres one..

Once upon a time it was a girl. Her name is long lost. Lets call her Aya.
Aya were different too the other kids.
She were full of suprises. She could make things grow and she could feel love. But don't fall for her kindness and her beautiful sides. She was made from darkness. She was crazy. Full of craziness."

I woke up screaming.
"No! Thats not true!" I groaned, for some reason I thought I was Aya.

Bunnymunds POV

I was finally home. I was not really a fan of the Northpole.

It was so cold.
I yawned. I really needed to sleep.

" I was in a forest. Alone. Well thats what I tought. My feet were moving deeper and deeper inside the forest. Then I saw someone. It was a girl. She were, brushing her hair. Suddenly she started to sing. I couldn't really hear what she sang but my ears flew up in the air, of curiosity. All of sudden her hair started too glow, I noticed that her hair was really long. She turned her face towards mine. She smiled. She was beautiful. I moved closer, like if i was compelled of her sweetness.
I stopped. Behind her, big... black clouds were created. They surrounded her. The girls smile became dark and evil. Her hair, that was glowing in golden, were now getting almost grey. Her skin too. Her green eyes changed. They become yellow."

I woke up. shocked. That was my first nightmare I ever haved.

Jacks POV

I sat in the dining room eating breakfeast.
"Goodmornin' Rapunzel!" North said with his russian accent. I turned around and saw Rapunzel. Her long hair was shiny and it didn't look like a mess, even though she looked like she just woke up.
"morning..." she muttered.
"Sleept well?"
"no.." Rapunzel said.
"Why? Was baby fairies keeping you up?" I asked with a grin.
"no.." she said.
"Whats wrong dear?"
"I can't be a guardian..."
"the sun choosed you" North said.
"Well I don't want too be a guardian..."
In that second Rapunzel stood up. She rushed out from the room.
"What did I say?"

Rapunzels POV

I can't be a guardian. I don't even know what it would mean. I made a flower in the air and played with it.
"Hey... Are you okay?" the voice belonged too Jack.
"No." I said, wich was true.
"You like flowers?" Jack asked, I could see him smile.
"I guess so"
"I heard you screaming... Before. You wanna talk about it?"
"Why did I get choosen? I don't know anything abour myself. Why can't people see me?" I asked.
"The sun wanted you too join us. She thinks we will need you. People need too belive in you too see you"
"Bunnymund dosen't belive in me?" I asked.
"I think he does belive in you."
I stayed quiet.
"Do not leave. please..." Jack said.
"uhm.. okay." I mumbled.


A/N: Did you guys like it?
Please go and read my big four story.
Its called Black gold | Jackunzel Merricup.
It would meant alot.

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