(EXTRA) Surprise Surprise

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After George had gotten Holly to come and pick us up, we rode home in almost full silence, apart from a few quips from George. Tired to the extreme, I fell asleep in the car. I woke again back at Portland Row and drowsily climbed the stairs to my room, took off my coat and boots and flopped into bed.

The next morning, I woke to a sinking feeling. "Wha?" I blink rapidly and sit up, my hair in a crows nest afro.

"Morning," Lockwood was sitting on the bed next to me.

"AHH! Don't look at me!" I throw my covers over my face. Lockwood chuckles.

"Hey, it's fine, I don't care, remember?" I uncover my head and look at Lockwood.

"So, what the HELL are you doing in my room?" I enquire, trying to look angry, but a slight smirk twitches on the edge of my lips.

"Well. . . my lady," Lockwood teases, and bows (as much as you can bow while sitting down). He pulls a letter from behind his back (how the hell was he holding that?) and places it in front of me. "We received this in the mail Luce." He looked up at me excitedly, grinning. "Well? Open it!" He was practically bouncing on the bloody bed. Like a hyperactive puppy. I push his face away from me and unfold the already opened letter. In cursive writing it said,


Anthony Lockwood,

George Cubbins,

Holly Munro,

Lucy Carlyle

For your remarkable contributions

to London's Problem,

You are cordially invited to join us for

DEPRAC's annual Yuletide ball.

You are guests at this function and formal dress,

not your services are required.

The Hall will be fully equipped and visitor proof

Time: 7pm, 24th December

Venue: Village Hall

Sincerely: Inspector Barnes, head of DEPRAC

I looked up at Lockwood. "And you're thinking that-"

"We should go," Lockwood puts his hand on mine. "Together."

"T-together?" I stutter again. Rethinking the words over and over in my mind. "Of course, because our entire agency. . . was. . ."

"No, Luce. I meant. . . well, together together."

"As a couple?" I stare at him in bewilderment.

"Is there a problem?"

"NO! I mean, no, no problem." I calm my nerves a little. "I'd love to go with you." I smile, before hitting him with one of my pillows. "Now get out of my room you bastard!" I laugh and he skitters out of my room, narrowly dodging my other pillow as it sails into the wall.

Dressed, I fly downstairs to the kitchen where Lockwood is making toast. The letter is lying on the table and I take a look again, and shove it in my pocket. "Tea, Luce?" he asks.

"Sure!" I get out the eggs, bread and bacon and start on the breakfast.

"What's all the racket!?" George waddles into the kitchen half dressed with his glasses almost falling off his nose.

"Sorry George," I reply, and fling a piece of toast onto his plate. "That's for you. The bacon and eggs are coming."

"Thaaanks?" George looks at me weirdly, and then at Lockwood, and then back at me, and back at Lockwood. "Wait. . . are you two. . . ?" I turn around and Lockwood stands behind me, wrapping an arm around my waist. He smells amazing. . . "Oh my, you are! I knew it!" I smile, but. . . CRAP! I break away from Lockwood and rush to the stove. "CRAP CRAP CRAP!" I flip the eggs onto the plate but all of them are charred and burnt.

"At least the bacon tastes good, chef," says Lockwood, a piece already in his mouth. I swat at him, flip the bacon and turn off the gas. Right at that moment, the toast pops up.

"Sorry guys. Well, bacon and toast's ready. Anyone for microwavable baked beans?" I muster a weak smile and bin the eggs.

Holly's singsongy voice floats down to the kitchen, "Morning!" She bounds into the kitchen, and sees the paper sticking out of my jean pocket. "What's that?" Before I can turn around, she's whipped the letter out of my pocket and is reading in earnest.


"Ooh! A ball! How exciting! When were you planning to tell me about this Lockwood?" She straightens his collar and smiles, while I glare daggers. George watches in earnest.

"Yes, Holly. We've been invited to a ball with DEPRAC," said Lockwood quietly.

"I get it! It was a surprise! Oh you dog!"

"Holly," Lockwood tried to interrupt, but she was like a steam engine.

"I can't wait! Of course I'll have to get the dress, and and the shoes, and you'll have to wear a tux! You're cravat should match my dress of course, and-"


"What?" The room is silent for a moment. Realisation dawns across her face and she looks at Lockwood and I. "You're going with her, aren't you?" She whispers.

"Yes, I am. I am going with Lucy."

"Seriously?" Her face goes from confused to disbelieving in a millisecond. "Her ?"

"Once again, her name is Lucy."'

"Holly," I interject, "I'm sorry." She doesn't hear me.

"But she's so. . . so. . . UGH!" With that, Holly storms out of the kitchen. I move to follow her, but Lockwood pulls me back. "It's okay, Luce. She'll get over it. Now, we need to get you a dress."

A dress? Seriously? One of my worst nightmares in the form of shopping. This was going to be hell. We walked, hand in hand I might add, into Flora's Formalwear around 11am that day. I thought I wouldn't cope, but as soon as I saw that dress, I paled slightly. It was a beautiful dark blue-green, and sparkled in the light. It had a puffy, floor length, sparkly skirt, and a tight, dimonte studded bodice. It was gorgeous, and I wanted it.

I was pulled out of my reverie by a perky saleswoman, whom I guessed was "Flora," but her name tag called her Stacey. "So! Are you two here for ballgowns and tuxedos? I'm here to help! My name is Stacey, and I'm going to help you pick the perfect dress for you! Katelyn! Take this young man to get a tux fitted and I'll deal with this girl here!" She started jabbering away about chiffon and tulle and all sorts of dress nonsense, but I zoned out. "Excuse me?" I asked, and she stopped her ranting. "How much is that dress over there?" I pointed to the dark, blueish coloured dress.

"Oh that?" She studied me. "Perhaps you should look for something more in your price range." I grimaced and let her lead me away to some cheaper dresses. After trying a few on, Lockwood came out and I gasped. He was in a gorgeous black tuxedo, and looked incredibly handsome. Flora was tightening my dress and I was trying not to fall off my high heels, but I still managed to turn around enough to see him.

"You look great!" I smiled.

He looked at my dress, and gave me a pitying look. It was a horrific pink colour, completely covered in frills and bows and everything awful.

"Um, you too." I looked at Flora.

"I'm just going to go now, okay?" I asked, and she stopped trying to tighten my dress, let me out of my high heels and led me to the change rooms. After I had changed and came out, Lockwood was holding a bag in his hand, and led me to the door. Something caught my eye though. Right in the corner, a yellow and white dress stood out. I took a look at it, and found it to be of beautiful make, and rather cheap. It would definitely suit her. I knew Holly's size so I found one in hers, and took it to the counter. "This please." I forked out the money, and left the store with Lockwood in tow. She deserved a little happiness. Not too much, but still. . .

The day came around quicker than expected, and I woke to a sound of squealing. I dressed and came downstairs to find Holly in her dress looking absolutely gorgeous, and hugging Lockwood. "THANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOU!"

"It wasn't me, Holly," he confessed. "It was Lucy!" She looked up at me in silence, then smiled.

"Thank you," she said quietly.

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