Rose In December

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December had always been the month where people were happiest or most generous. I was one of the unlucky ones where December was always a sad month. I could turn a corner and there was someone who disliked me and just started saying things to me like 'You don't matter to anyone' or 'You're useless, no one needs you' and once even this 'You shouldn't be here, just go and rot in a corner where you can be useless by yourself'. My life was pretty crap. If there wasn't someone saying things there was always some happy couple around the corner holding hands, laughing and cuddling. This was a heartbreaker for me as every girl I ever date or just even like decides I'm useless to and just leaves me. My heart had suffered many heartbreaks before and I don't think I could handle another.

It was November 29th 2013 so it was very close to December where I would just break down and cry every night because my life was so hard. A new neighbour had just moved in next door. A family of four. A mum, her name was Kate, a dad, his name was Charlie, a son, his name was Ethan, and a daughter, her name was Ashley.

Ashley was gorgeous. She had long black hair that had been dipped into electric blue dye so that her tips were electric blue. Ashley's eyes were hazel. She was just wearing a casual top with some blue denim jeans. Her dress sense was fairly decent.

I'm terrible. I had only seen her walk out of her car and walk into her house and I already found myself having a crush on her. The only problem is she probably doesn't even know I exist...and even if she did why would she talk to a loser like me? I tried to ignore my crush on Ashley as I didn't want another heartbreak.

Later on that night, it was a Saturday so we had no school the next day, our new neighbours came round for some drinks with my parents. Great. I had to sit in the same room as another one of my useless crushes. She was just sitting there so peacefully and calm. It was enchanting the way she concentrated on the conversation...almost like she had never heard another human being speak before. Our parents suggested we go spend some time together. So now to add insult to injury I had to speak to Ashley? Nice one mom.

Ashley walked into the back room of my house and I followed her knowing my parents would moan if I didn't. She turned and sat on the small two person sofa in the back room. She sunk into the cushy black leather seat and let out a sigh of relief as she relieved her legs of walking.

'So your name is?' Wow she spoke to me willingly. She didn't sound too happy about having to be in the same room as me but really who could blame her? No one wants to spend time with me. Not even my family want to be around me.

'My name? My name's Elliot' Yes even my name was terrible. It was a complete girl repellent. In all honesty me myself is a girl repellent.

'Wow...I'm Ashley, yes my name is gorgeous just like me' Ok so now I knew she was a cheeky one. For some reason her cheeky side made me like her even more. I was intrigued by the combination of her gorgeous looks and her terrible personality. I didn't know whether to straight up say that I liked her or not. After about ten minutes I decided it was best to just keep quiet.

The night progressed on past midnight onto the 30th of November. So everyone left back to their own house and I just went straight to bed. My mind was clouded with a lot of questions and emotions. Why was she so cheeky to me? Has she always been cheeky? Does...does she like me back? I didn't know any of the answers I just knew I liked her. I drifted of into a confused sleep with too many emotions:

Confused, sad, doubtful, shocked.

I don't remember dreaming anything that night but it must have been a powerful and sad dream because I woke up and burst out crying. It wasn't even December yet. I decided I was going to tell Ashley I liked her today. So I got ready. I had a shower, got dressed, had some breakfast, brushed my teeth and I was ready to go round to Ashley.

Rose In DecemberWhere stories live. Discover now