Chapter Four

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Gaga fell in the floor and landed in front of Gabriel's dark oak nightstand.


She moved backward and brought her knees up to her chest and wrapped her arms around them.

"Babe," he called as he rushed to her side. He kneeled down.

"What happened?"

She had the note clenched in her fist. It was crumbled and slightly ripped now, but she handed it to her husband for examination nonetheless.

"We need to move. Please," she cried softly.

"Sophia! Gabe! We're moving! Help us pack your clothes!"

Taylor stood up and called his children upstairs.

"Taylor, they're eating breakfast," she said quietly. She gave him a wry smile.

"The little monsters," he growled, returning a smile to Gaga. He hoped to cheer her up in spite of the rage they were both dying to let loose.

Gabriel made his way upstairs and turned left to walk into his room.

"Hey guys," he grinned.
His missing teeth, messy hair, and chocolate-smeared face gave Gaga a bit of strength to keep on breathing.

"Gabriel," Taylor began, "there's something strange going on right now, so I need you to get dressed and ready to go."

Gabriel looked puzzled.

"Is it something I did? Why are you guys in here?"

They heard Sophia walking up the stairs.

"A new house! Cool," she smiled as she walked into her room. So oblivious, but so calm about everything.

"Gabriel, it's the note."

He chuckled.

"You mean that one you wrote to me?"

Gaga began to breathe heavily.

"I didn't write that note, babe."

Gabe shifted his weight and turned to Taylor.

"Dad? What's going on?"

Taylor began to explain, but he was hesitant and afraid. He didn't admit it.

Sophia called Gaga into her room.

"You know that drawing on the fridge? It has my name on it, but I didn't draw it. I don't draw like that."

Gaga grabbed Sophia by the arm and hurried down the stairs. She ran into the kitchen and demanded that she saw the picture. It wasn't there.

"Huh? I swear I saw it. Maybe it was nothing."

Sophia scratched her head and furrowed her eyebrows.

Gaga panicked. Taylor and Gabriel rushed down the stairs, each holding a backpack full of the kids' clothing. Sophia's backpack was Hello Kitty themed, and Gabriel's was Bugs Bunny themed.

"Out the door," Gaga pointed.

"What happen-"


He asked no further questions and rushed Sophia and Gabriel through the building and finally to their vehicle. Gaga stayed in the house. She was holding the knife with a trembling hand.

"I have no idea who you are or why you're here," she began, "but you're not going to touch my family."

Her heels clicked on the wooden floor as she scoped the area. Not a sight of anyone.

"Come out now or I'll start shooting!"

She carefully walked to the safe, in which two weapons were safely hid. Her back turned to the world, she was more vulnerable than she had been for a long time. Gaga unlocked the safe, opened it, and there was another note laying inside. It was getting absolutely ridiculous.

"Wait," Gaga began to cry.

"Where are the guns?"

She frantically searched through the jewelry, emergency money, and love letters from Taylor.

No sign of her weapons.

She opened the envelope, unfolded a way too familiar note, and read it.

Where are your babies now?
Moving too soon?

She screamed and began to run. Leaving everything behind, she kicked off her heels as she ran to the car. But it was gone. They were gone. Instead, replacing her family, was a red smiley face spray painted in their parking space.
Sorry for the short chapter! Hopefully y'all will forgive me. Dedicated to Horse_Storm_Foster. 🌚

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