Chapter 5

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Gaga dropped to her knees in the parking space. It had all happened so fast, she didn't know what to make of the situation. Nothing like this had ever happened before.
Just as she began to cry harder, Taylor pulled up with Gabriel and Sophia.

"Just had to make sure it was okay with security that we left in such short no-"

Taylor immediately jumped out of the vehicle when he noticed Gaga.


He scooped her up into his arms like an infant, tucking strands of blonde hair behind her ears.

"Stefani, what happened?"

Taylor felt his hand gradually get more and more wet. He tried not to question it, but when he set her down in the front seat, he noticed that Gaga's knees were bleeding.
Taylor took off his shirt and flannel, ripping the shirt down the middle, and tying one around either knee.

The kids began to get nervous, and they shed a tear or two as well. They were terrified- as they had never seen their mother in worse shape. She looked and felt defeated, like she couldn't protect her family anymore. Gaga took a deep breath and began to sob midway.

"Just drive," she cried.

"I'll explain," she coughed, "when we're out of the city."

Taylor turned on the radio and began to drive, going a few miles over the speed limit after he escaped the parking lot. The kids kept asking what was going on, but nobody answered. An event like this only happened one other time, but it was immediately fixed. Nobody knew who, or what was messing with them.

"I got a call from the shop where you took your phone," Taylor said, breaking the silence between the two after a while.
Gaga turned her head to him, her whole body shaking, and looked him in the eyes.

"I need that phone," her voice cracked, "or they'll get us."

And she began to sob once more. The ever so heartbreaking sound of their mother was too much, and the kids began crying too. They were frustrated, but so was Taylor. He continued driving. Through blurry, tear-filled eyes, he kept on until he reached the phone repair shop. As soon as he stopped the car, he had already unbuckled his seatbelt and hopped out.

The bell hanging from the door rang as he stormed in.

"Hello, welcome to Phone Fix It Q-"

"Listen," Taylor interrupted, "I need to pick up a phone for Stefani Germanotta."

The teenage boy behind the counter began to laugh.

"You mean to tell me that you're picking up a phone for Lady Gaga?"

"Yeah, have a problem with it, buddy?"

Taylor stepped closer to the boy.

"All I'm saying is that she isn't here, so I can't give you the phone. Sorry," he chuckled.

"She can't get out of the," he cursed, "car!"

Taylor slammed his fist down on the counter.

"I'm her husband! She's sitting right there!"

Taylor pointed to Gaga, who was resting her head in her hands on the dashboard.

"Get her to come sign this and you can take the phone."

Taylor let out an angry and frustrated yell. He flashed the kid behind the counter his middle finger and stormed outside.

"Stefani," he sighed as he opened the car door.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2016 ⏰

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