Sent to Tokyo to join the MWPSB Commander General Cloe Roxy is ordered to help them with there missions but she has been keeping secrets from her division ...division 1 Shusei Kagari an enforcer not knowing what love feels like meets Cloe they becom...
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A couple of days had past Takashi was getting better Cloe had tucked him in and went to division 1 since she wasn't tired " hey Kagari how come your here by yourself ?" " hey Cloe well ko is... well now that you mention it I don't know ....wait KO LEFT ME TO DO ALL OF THE WORK NOT FAIR grrr..... hey Cloe wanna come over to my place to have a late night snack ?" " sure I wasn't able to have dinner I'm starving " "good well not good that you didn't eat but good that I can cook you something " Cloe smirked " come on " "what about your work?" "don't worry about it ko can do the rest" he grabbed Cloe's hand and dragged her to his place " what do you want to eat " "what ever you prefer to cook " " ok great discription " " cheeky " "I try "
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Cloe and Kagari ended up drunk " you know what I have never thought *hiccup* that..I would have a friend that that amm I would be crazy about your fantastic seriously" " thanks Kagari" "for now one I wanr yooouu to call me Shusei cuz that's my first name ok" "ok" Cloe laughs a small bit
*skip time a bit * Cloe ended up sleeping on the couch Kagari got a blanket and tucked her in " your so beautiful and I just wanna be with you I love you Cloe " he kissed her for head
*skip to the morning * sorry I keep on doing that
Cloe woke up to the smell of food " something smells good and my head is pounding " "hey sleepy head hungry? " " ya " Kagari went to Cloe and handed her some food with tea " thanks Shusei .....omg this is soo good your so talented I wish you could make me food everyday " thanks" " so how did sleep? " "good" "Like a baby I was gone like a light" "good eat up and we can go to division 1 ok " "sure"