The Pick-Up Line

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~~Mark's POV~~

"Jack...I'm bored!" I complain to my best friend. We're both sat at the table, facing each other.

"Well, do you wanna have a pick up line hoe down show down?" he chuckles and I nod excitedly in reply. Okay, here goes.

"I think you dropped jaw!" I start and giggle.

"Your lips look lonely, would they like to meet mine?" 'Yes...they really would Jack...'

"Are your hands heavy, because I could hold them for you?" He blushes at this one and places his hands in mine.

"I hear you're good at algebra...could you replace my X and not ask Y?" 'Oh yes I could...'

"Roses are red. Violets are blue. I didn't know what perfect was, until I met you..." He blushes again and pulls his chair closer to mine. What's he doing??

"Are you a switch? Because you turn me on..." I look at his pants and see a bulge there. Oh shite!

"You're so cute it's distracting..." I smirk and then he realises that I have noticed his little friend's perk up.

"You know why I'm like a squirrel? Cause I wanna bury my nuts in you!" What the actual fuck Jack???

"I'm afraid of the letter X. Why? Because I don't wanna be yours'!"

"Imma treat you like my homework, slam you on the table and do you all night long..." he picks me up from the chair and slams my back into the table. A smirk spreads across his face.

"My mum thinks I'm straight, can you help me prove her wrong?" I carry on calmly but inside in freaking out. I'm trying not to get a boner right in front of his face.

"Imma treat you like my little toe, I'ma bang you on every peice of furniture..." his hand sneaks up my leg and his hands trace my crotch area. Now I definitely have a boner...ugh!

"J-Jack? W-what are you doing?"

"Oh...nothing. Carry on...or I win!"

"D-do you have a name? Or can I call you mine?"

"I named my dick "the truth" 'cause bitches can't handle it!"

"J-Jack...seriously now...what are you gonna do to me?" I gulp and try to sit up. His hands press my shoulders back down.

"This..." he leans in and kisses my bulge. I gasp and bite back a moan.

"Jack no! You're my best friend. T-this is wrong!" I try to protest but the pleasure coursing through me tells me not to.

"No it's really not..." he smirks yet again and begins to palm me while kissing me softly. 'What the fuck is he doing? No!' I think and try to push him off of me. "What are you doing?"

"Trying to get you the fuck off of me!" I yell and sit up. "No Jack. I get that you're horny but c'mon man!" I see a deep red tint come across his face. I hope he feels embarrassed.

"W-what? W-why?" he stutters and I go to the living room.

"Because I won and I get the reward...not you!" I pull him down on top of me and smirk at him. "Am I allowed my reward?"

"Go right on ahead!"


Thank for reading.

Please could you guys give my some suggestions for smuts or fluffs e.c.t. because I'm running out of ides quickly.

Love you guys (almost as much as the Walking Dead XD)

Zak xx

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