I Was Your Goofball...

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~~Mark's POV~~

"You're such an idiot! Why would you tell at Chica like that? She has feelings too! You're such a big dick! She did NOTHING too..." I tell at his bbaffles face. He just yelled...at my baby. She jumped up at him to say hello, licking and barking at him. But he over-reacted...he yelled at her. Telling her to fuck off. Why the fuck would he do that?

"Well look, maybe you should learn how to control your fucking sad-ass dog! She's just a fucking animal..." he relatiates. This is when I loose my shit...

"She's my baby and forever will be! You're just the thing I use to fuck and kiss because I can't hug and fuck Chica. You should really respect this 'fucking sad-ass dog' because one day she could save your life. You're such an arrogant, disrespectful, stuck up twat!" I rage and I see his face fall. Oops...maybe I went to far?

"Well...you know what? I'll fucking leave and let you have your stupid fucking Chica. You're obviously far more obsessed with her than you are with your own Fiance. Ugh...people like you who are shallow, hypocritical and disgusting...you-you aren't worth my time..." he begins to cry and my heart slowly breaks. Maybe I made something over nothing? Maybe I went over the top because I love her too much? Maybe I just really want him to leave...?

"N-no! Please dont leave! I-I'm sorry. I went over the top and made summat about fuck all. Can you forgive me for being a bad Fiancee?" I plead and kneel before him, taking his hands in mine and kissing them.

"No. I've had enough of your yelling at me for nothing, your constant demadingness, your mood swings, your neediness. I'm just sick of it all. I love you...but I cannot take it any longer!" he yanks his hands away and runs upstairs to pack. I try to stop him countless amounts of times with begging, pleading, kisses, hugs and I even tried sexual things. "You disgust me!"

"P-please don't. I l-love you..."

"I love you too but I have no reason to stay anymore..." Tears stream down his gorgeous face and now my heart is fully split into two.

"Y-yes you do...I'm Your Finacee!"

"And I'm your goofball..." and with that, he storms out the house, leaving me a crying and screaming excuse of a man.

Thanks for reading this little thing.
Sorry if I upset you.
Love you guys.
Please leave some suggestions. :3
Zak xx

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