20/20 Vision

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(Amazing artwork done by rainbowstripez Thank you nom!)

~~3rd Person POV~~

The bright sunshine reflected off of the immaculate glass of Seán McLoughlin's spectacles. He had only just bought them and was extremely surprised at how crisp and fine everything looked. Like when you turned up the sharpness on the television. They rested on his nose just right and the curve of the arm of the glasses fit snuggly behind his ears just right. This made them so comfy to wear.

There was one huge downside to the glasses though...whenever Jack looked in any reflective surface he saw himself with the glasses on. And he hated it.

He hated the way the glasses made his eyes look beady or how the frames were covering up a portion of his eyebrows. He hated the way that his eye lashes brushed the lenses as he blinked. He hated the way he looked. So nerdy and strange.

All of these negative thoughts had left him feeling incredibly self-concious and brought his self-esteem down to critically low levels. This was always a bad thing because Seán had struggled with his self-esteem issues all of his life and Mark was the only one that could make the negative thoughts fuck off.

But, as he was driving home, all of the bad judgements of himself and all of his ideas were left to swirl around in his mind like a huge storm of depression. It was terrible. And Mark wasn't there to help him.

And if Mark wasn't there then who would help him? No-one. Exactly. He was just left, on a half an hour drive back home, with his own thoughts.

But it was okay...there were only fifteen minutes left...




Seán frantically ran into the house, excited to show Mark and even more excited for the hugs and comfort he would get from his low-confidence.

"Mahrk!!!" Seán yelled, hopping into his boyfriend's arms the second he walked into the living room.

"Hey ba- woah! You're glasses look fucking great!!" Mark smiles widely, admiring how amazing his partner looked in them.

"They don't...I look awful...they make me look so stupid..." the Irishman whispered as the bitter sting of tears pricked at his eyes.

"What? Hey hey hey..." Mark cooed, trying to stop the bad words tumbling out of Sean's thin lips. "You don't. You looks beautiful. You always do. And, may I add, the glasses make you look extra sexy..."

"N-No they don't. I-I look so d-dumb..."

"Now I know you're talking utter bullshit! Don't you know that you look beautiful?" Mark recieved no reply. Just a confused look from his boyfriend. "Well, baby, you do look beautiful and I'll love you no matter what."

Already, Mark's soothing words and calming aura had already had a massive effect on Seán's way of thinking. He already felt better about the way he looked. The way the glasses looked. And the cool thing was, he could see Mark's face in every minute detail and loved it.

"I love you. And now we match, you have glasses, I have glasses!"

"Oh yeah!" Seán chuckles, feeling more at ease than ever.

"C'mere. Gimme a kiss you gorgeous goofball!"

As the two leaned in to share a passionate kiss, their glasses frames hit each other and interrupted the process of closing the space between their lips.

"Shit!" they giggled, hugging each other tightly and smiling.

And I guess you could say that Seán never felt awful about having glasses again. Because Mark loves him, and always will...

Yeah, I know this was shitty. Sorry! I'm sleepy!
Thanks to realworldmagic for suggesting this. I hope I did it justice.
Thanks for reading.
Love you guys,
Zak xx

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