I'm the Human in this Boarding School [Chap. 19]

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It's been about two weeks and the Council still hasn't shown up. I was getting antsy, and the amount of attention I was paying to my surroundings was dwindling fast.

"Let's just leave," I told Zephyr. That's been pretty much all I've been saying lately.

But the main thing I've been thinking lately is; If Zephyr knows that the Council is coming, then why are we still here? Despite Zephyr's insisting that he isn't, I'm kinda starting to think that he's gonna wind up betraying me and turning me into the Council. But wouldn't he have done that already if that was his plan?

No. That's what he'd want me to think. It's been like three months. He would want me to think that since it's been so long, that I'm in the clear.

He did, afterall, tell me that him, Zane, and Zeke were sent to Knight High to get me. So, what am I supposed to believe?

I didn't know anymore. I don't even believe that my hair is still dark brown, even though it flows well past my shoulders and I can always see it.

"We're not leaving," Zephyr told me sternly, snapping me out of my thoughts that had formed quickly.

"Why not?" I argued. "Why? If you know they're gonna be here, then why not leave? Zephyr, we're gonna die, or even worse."

"We're not leaving because your accusations were right."

"Huh?" I asked, kinda confused.

He rolled his eyes and gave me a look that told me he thought I was stupid.

"Does this answer your question?" he asked me. He made a whistling noise and two people walked around the side of the hut-house and onto the beach where we were standing.

These people just so happened to have bright red eyes and were a part of the Council.

"You've got to be shitting me," I muttered.

"Good job, Zephyr," the taller one said.

"Yeah, asshole, good job," I snapped at him. I turned my head from his kind of guilty-looking gaze and peered into the eyes of the taller one. "Well, what are you waiting for? Take me away already."

"If you insist," the shorter one said. They walked over to me, each of them grabbing a forearm, and started to lead me away. This is normally when the person being betrayed shouts out, "I thought you loved me!" or "I thought I could trust you!" or "Traitor!" But, no. I'm not gonna do that. Wanna know why? Because I'm not pathetic like that and because I kinda figured this would happen.

And what would shouting like that do, anyways?

Ya got that right, nothing.

Zephyr followed behind them, the slight bit of guilt that he had in his eyes just seconds ago was now long gone.

The members of the Council guided me onto a boat.

"Where are we going, anyways?" I asked impatiently.


Austrailia? What a strange place to put your council at. At least, that's where I'm assuming we're going.

"What'll happen there?"

"Why do you ask so many questions?" the shorter one snapped, clearly annoying.

"Why are you such a prick? And, I'm sure you'd be asking questions too, if two red-eyed lunatics were taking you away from your life and to Austrailia."

"Watch what you say, smart one. I'll have that little tongue of yours cut right out of your mouth and we'll feed it to the dragon."

Dragon? What the fuck? "Oh, I'm sure you've got a dragon."

"We do, we'll show it to you when we arrive at the Council building."

"Does it keep your furnace going?" I joked.

He glared at me, obviously not appreciating my joke.

"Oh, get a sense of humor. You act like I just took a shit in your dinner or something foul like that."

He didn't have a response to that. He just turned around and looked out the windshield of the speeding boat.

Wow. What crawled up his ass? Probably that dragon of his...

I decided I might as well take a nap on the way to Austrailia. It's not going to be a very quick ride there, no matter how fast this boat is going.

Sighing, I curled up in the tiny seat I was sitting in, and fell asleep quickly, even though I just woke up about an hour or two ago.

I was startled out of my sleep from a nightmare about getting thrown into the dragon's cage and being roasted alive by it's dragon breath.

"How much longer?" I asked sleepily. It was already dark out and the sky was absolutely beautiful with all the stars that were either spread around or in huge clusters.

"About ten hours." [A.N: I don't know how long it takes to get from Hawaii to Austrailia by boat, but let's just pretend there's ten more hours left, k?]

I groaned. This has been so boring, and I bet it hasn't been any more entertaining for the two Council members and Zephyr. They were probably expecting me to grovel at their feet and beg them to free me.

But, that's not how I roll.

I had considered trying to make an escape, but seriously? How practical is that when we're in the middle of the Pacific Ocean and it's really dark out? Not very practical.

"I'm hungry," I complained, even though I really wasn't. I just wanted to find a way to annoy them.

"Wait for ten more hours and we'll let you have a meager meal."

"But I want food now!" I demanded.

"We don't have any food," the taller one said. He's the one who's been talking to me. He clearly has a better temper than the shorter one, so I figured I'd keep going until the shorter one told me to shut up.

"Why not?" I whined. I looked out of the corner of my at the shorter one. I saw his eye twitch. Wow. He's really angry.

"Because we don't," the more level-headed one responded.


"Just shut up already!" the shorter one shouted, interrupting me.

"Go fuck yourself," I told him, trying to keep from laughing at his expression.

His eye was twitching really badly and his face had turned a light red color out of pure anger and frustration. This is kinda funny. Maybe he'll jump off the boat to rid himself of me.

"Calm down," the taller one said.

"Tell her to shut up!" the shorter one complained.

Wow. He reminded me of my friend's little brother. He always complained in a voice that sounded so similar to the shorter one's. It made me giggle.

The shorter one whirled around in his seat and glared at me. I could've sworn I saw a flicker of fire in those bright red eyes of his.


That was scary.

I sat back in my seat and looked at the ocean that surrounded us on all sides for hundreds of miles.

How am I gonna get out of this one?

I probably won't...

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Hey guys!

That was chapter 19. I'm really sorry that it's been almost two weeks since I've updated...

I hope that was a good chapter for you guys that'll keep you fulfilled until I update next, which I have no idea when that'll be, but let's hope that it'll be soon.

Until next week, vote, comment, fan? :)

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