the seagull apocalypse is near!!!

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so as LuluTheDeathKid knows, I hate seagulls!

they are evil 

*story time*

once me and my (stupid) dad went to Southport

a seagull pooped in my hair and he didn't tell me until we got to a Sainsburys!

*the end*

whenever I see an evil seagull at school now i scream and hide under my coat while lulu is saying that the seagull apocalypse is near 

but hey, it gives you a good excuse for not having homework 

teacher- why have you not got your homework?

me- well you see....the seagull apocalypse is near and i was while all you guys are screaming while being blind because a seagull scratched out your eyes i will be wearing a poncho and goggles while eating food that seagulls hate  and laughing at you guys 

whole class- WTF!!!!! O_o 

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