Madison Alamia Imagine

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Imagine coming home from school. You get bullied, you have got enough with getting bullied today and your whole life. You walk into your bedroom to grave your laptop. You tweet out

(Y/T/N) [your twitter name]

I give up! IM sorry! Todays been such a tough day, I can't do this anymore! IM alone in this world! IM sorry, I love every single one of you.... Bye

*you get off your laptop but don't turn it off niether log out of twitter*

You go into your bathroom. You grab a blazer from your mirror doors. BUUUUUTTTTTT Before you do anything. You hear a beap coming from your room, you know it's your laptop. You walk into your bedroom. You look at your laptop. You have one new interaction. You click it and you have gotton a tweet from @MadisonToBeOne @(y/t/n)

No! Don't give up!!!!! Your beautiful and perfect in every single way!! I love you! Your not alone! IM here for you! I love you so much!

After he follows you and you guys Skype. You showed him all your scars from the nights before. He told you not to do it again because it hurts him. On Skype you both talked about how much you love him and you both became really good friends. *5 months later*

Your both in a relationship together even tho he's in L.A he tries to go visit you three times a month! :)


Meaw IM a kitty!!! Ok, sorry if this imagine sucked! IM really sorry. This is the first imagine I have ever written. I hope you liked it or no well let me know in the comments! Love you and have a lovely day!

ToBeOne/Nick M/Vinny C ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now