2nd chapter

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I set my head on my notebook, resting it, since it felt like it was about to burst. My mind couldn't handle the four hours of agonizing lectures that had passed already. I thought learning at an ordinary school would be like eating a really delicious sundae with a cherry on top, but it turns to be the opposite. It's torture! I feel like I'm in a torture room about to be tormented and beaten up until I become a crazed lunatic. Someone or something please save me!

I was awakened from the deep slumber of my thoughts by the sound of a bell ringing out of nowhere. I raised my head from my notebook to see what was going on. The teacher suddenly stood from his chair.

"Class, it's break time!"

Break time?! I'm so relieved! I was about to stand up when I felt a continuous tapping on my back. I turned around to see who it was. It was Aria. She grinned at me and said, "Hi! How ya holdin' up?!"

"Err... fine I guess..."

"I noticed you were resting your head on your desk sulking and probably complaining inside your head. I'm guessing it's because of all the lectures right? I know you're thinking it's like torture. If your head is hurting just go to the infirmary."

I was quite shocked at how observant she was. I never knew such a person existed.

"Nah, I'm fine. I can handle it. It's just a little headache anyway."

"You sure? You might collapse."

"Yah, Im fine. Thanks for being concerned anyway."

"Sure, no problemo!"

Carefully, I stood up from my chair and started walking towards the door of the room. Sudden, my head started to hurt. My head was pounding and everything around me started spinning. What's going on? I started to sway back and forth then, "wham"! Everything blacked out.


Hey potatoes! Sorry for the super, super, SUPER, late update of this story. Been super busy with school but now I'm free. I have all the time to write again so yah! Hihi!


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