•Hey There (Y/N) ~ Modern!Annie X Fem!Reader•

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A/N: Based off of the song Hey There Delilah by The Plain White Tee's, if you haven't heard it, I recommend it it's a really cute song.
C/N = City name
P/N = Passion name
J/N = Job name
F/N = Friend's name
E/C = Eye colour

3 months.
You couldn't stand it anymore. You missed your girlfriend so much.
Sure, you would video chat on your computer for an hour a day, but it felt like five minutes.
Ever since you traveled to (C/N) and started your course on (P/N), your dream ever since forever, you couldn't stand being away from her.
Annie, your girlfriend, was sad that you left and offered to go with you.

But you insisted that she stay with her job as a (J/N) back in your hometown.
You were lying on your bed writing an essay on a specific type of (P/N).

It had gotten to you though.
Annie was the only thing that floated to the front of your mind.
Sighing, you grabbed your phone from it's charger and began to text her.

You: Hey ;)

You watched the empty space for about a minute, getting no response.

You: I'm super bored.

Another minute went by and you bit your lip.
She doesn't have work at this time... You thought.

You: I have to write an essay and I need some ideas, help :(

You went to your phone games and began playing one for around five minutes.
She's not usually like this... You thought, getting concerned.
She usually answers right away.
I need someone else's opinion on this.
You punched in the number of (F/N) and the phone began to ring.

"(Y/N)" Your friend greeted with a mischievous tone.

"Hey (F/N)," you answered, biting the tip of your tongue lightly.

"What's up?"
"Well, it's, it's Annie, she won't answer"
"Your texts?"
"And you're concerned why?"
"Why do you think I'm concerned?"
"Well it seems like a situation in which one would be concerned."
You nod to yourself,
"True" you scratch your head.

"Well, she usually answers right away, and I know she's off work because she told me her hours"
You could sense (F/N) rolling her eyes.
"You're such a stalker..."
"Well, have you tried calling her?"
"Nah, if I hear her voice without seeing her face I'll rip my brains out"

"Well I don't know what to do then, just, work on school" (F/N) told her.
Still unsatisfied, you sighed.
"Okay, thanks anyways, bye"

After hanging up, you flopped back onto your bed and put your hand on your forehead, staring at the familiar ceiling of your apartment.
Maybe she's asleep... You thought, trying to think of a possible way to reassure yourself.

The time zones weren't that different, you were not that far away from her. It was that awkward between too far to drive and too close to fly to.
You saved the document on your laptop before putting it inside your bag and resting it against the wall.

You snuggled up underneath your blankets, trying to imagine Annie's sleeping face beside you.
You held onto the pillow next to you tightly as you felt your eyes becoming sore and wet.
A soft but heartfelt sob escaped you and you felt the tears begin to slowly trail down your cheeks, tickling them slightly as they continued downwards.


It was later, the light that was seeping in from your window from earlier was now dark with the night sky.
You scoffed.
Shit. I overslept. (A/N: Sorry if you don't like swearing, there'll probably be more)
Getting up, you stretched your arms and legs before heading to the kitchen to find something to eat.

Just as you opened the fridge, you hear the phone ring.
Running to get it, you pick it up.
"Can I come up?" You hear (F/N) over the phone, probably wanting to come visit you.
Without saying anything, you clicked the button.
"Come on up, I'll unlock the door"

Once you had unlocked the door you went to grab a glass, filling it with water and going to sit on the couch.
You turned your head to the door as (F/N) appeared there with the most devilish smile you had ever seen.
"Are you possessed or something?" You said with a laugh.
When (F/N) moved out of the way, you couldn't believe your (E/C) eyes.

There she was, wearing a pretty white dress with a rose in her hand and a black duffel bag around her shoulder.
"(Y/N)" she replied, her sharp blue eyes now softer and full of love.
Putting your glass of water down you ran over to the slightly taller blonde and wrapped your arms around her in a hug.

"Woah, someone's happy to see me"
Annie said with a smirk.
"Why are you here?" You ask, pulling away and looking up at her.
"(F/N) and I planned this"
Annie's smirk faded and she leaned down, allowing her lips to connect with yours.

It was forceful, as if she had been anticipating this exact visit for a while now.
You blushed in surprise but soon returned the kiss with equal force.
You both pulled away.
"I came to ask you out on a date" she simply said, offering the rose.
"That's it?" You asked with a smile.
"You're so stupid"

First imagine in the book!! Proud? No? Ok, that's cool.

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