×Night Out (Modern)×

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(P/O/I) = Point of interest
(F/P) = Favourite pizza

If you're confused as to why Armin isn't there please read my previous part

You lived really close to the (P/O/I), it was only a few blocks away so when your boy/girlfriend got to your house you could just go on a nice walk together.
A knock on the door caused you to jump and you went to answer it, seeing

Eren's frown made you confused before you saw who was behind him.
"Mikasa-?" You ask.
"She insisted that you can't be trusted so she's coming with us too..." Eren explained.
It was awkward, but you all enjoyed skating together anyways.

Mikasa, your beautiful girlfriend.
"You ready to go?"
You nodded, locking the door behind you as you both began to walk on the pavement.
You shivered a little,
It's colder then I thought it would be...
You pondered before brushing it off.
A bit off movement from Mikasa caused you to look towards her.
She wrapped the red scarf she usually wore around your neck and shoulders.
"What's this for?" You laugh.
"You looked cold" Mikasa replied before kissing your forehead.
The movie was good, especially since you had Mikasa and her scarf around you the whole time

Your boyfriend's smiling face.
"Okay Jean, where are we going? You wouldn't explain a thing!" You squeal.
Jean held out a beautiful blue scarf, it looked silky but warm.
"Blindfold first," he replied.
Disappointment flooded you.
So I don't get the scarf?
You put it on tightly.
"Guide me" you demanded.
Jean's warm hand grabbed yours as he led you into the car, buckling you up as he began to drive.
When the car finally stopped, Jean led you in front of something.
You untied the blindfold and saw an amazing candlelit dinner on a blanket, your friends Marco, Connie and Sasha all dressed as waiters.
The dinner was great, and you did end up keeping the scarf.

His cute little freckled face.
"Excited?" Marco asked.
You nodded.
"Yes, definitely"
You both arrived at the carnival, marveling at the pretty lights all around.
At the end of the night,
Marco kissed your cheek.
"I'm glad you had fun"

The usual expressionless face on your boyfriend.
You smile and say nothing.
"Well, are you ready?" He asks.
You nod.
"But I'm warning you now, restaurants aren't usually my thing"
When you arrive at the large restaurant, you feel overwhelmed by how many people were there.
"You know what? Screw this" Levi mutters, getting back in the car, waiting for you.
"Levi, what are you doing?"
"Taking us somewhere with better food" he simply says.
You soon find yourself parked at a fast food pizza place.
You sigh.
"Thank you, I thought I'd have to eat some kind of weird fancy thing" you tell Levi, watching in anticipation as a beautiful slice of (F/P) pizza.
Levi says nothing, only watching you with loving eyes.
"You're welcome"

The pretty blue eyes of your girlfriend, Annie.
"Isn't this exciting?" You ask.
Annie nods.
You both begin walking, talking about your days, when suddenly she grabs your hand.
You don't complain, only blush.
You both arrive at the park, a breeze blowing your hair a bit and the grass around you.
You grin and look at Annie's face, which has softened with a small smile.
You both spend time at the park, playing on the play structure, even if it was tiny.
Towards the end you both ended up on the swings doing the butterfly, kissing.

Okay. This one is kind of confusing and shitty but please just go with it -///-

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