Chapter six: "Fight for love."

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Wendy's (POV)

I was finally able to get her to let my hair go, and I fell to the ground. She stepped on my back so I didn't go anywhere. Trashed around until her foot was off. I got up, and tried to reason with her.

"Pacifica, please, can't we talk about this?"

"No, the time of talking is over. Now is the time for pay back!"

She punched me in the stomach, taking all the air out of my lungs. I gasped for air, as I fell to the ground. Pacifica only smirked at me, as she kicked me in the head. I thought I couldn't do it, but then I kept thinking about my baby, and Dipper. I got up, and punched her in face. She was shocked but punched back. I kicked her in the shin and she went down. I turned away thinking it was over, I couldn't be anymore wrong.

Pacifica's (POV)

She thought she won. HA, she couldn't be any more wrong. I got up and jumped on her. I pinned her to the ground and she looked scared. She should be afraid. When I'm done with her, I'll put her head on my wall! She looked like she lost all her strength, because she turned her head to the side as if she was giving in. I smiled as she did that. I knew she never had a chance against me!

Wendy's (POV)

I turned my head to the baby's crib and shed a tear. I couldn't let her win. I turned back to her, really ticked off now. I she looked shocked as I kicked her off. She landed hard against a glass shelf. I didn't mean for her to land there. I went to make she was alright, when she grabbed a piece of glass and cut me with it. She then cut across my face. I cried in pain as she grabbed my hair, and put the glass shard to my neck. I closed my eyes waiting for the worst when...


I opened my eyes to see Dipper there. He put my baby down gently on the couch, and grabbed Pacifica. I fell to the ground bleeding and praying for this to be over.

"Pacifica it's over! I don't want to marry a crazy whitch like you!"

"Dipper, I'm doing this for you."

"Trying to kill my best friend, yeah real romantic!"

"Get out of my house Pacifica, before I call the cops!"

I saw ran out the door, as Dipper ran to my side. He saw how badly hurt I was, and he started to cry. Then everything went black.

Author's note:

I hope you enjoyed the conflict in this chapter! There are a few more chapters, then I'll start on the next book for you guys!

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