His past..

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TEST!! TEST!! TEST that all I have been doing for most time I have been awake.. I have about a week before school starts but they are still debating about all of that. They told me later this week they want me to take a test to see what grade I'm in.... I already know a lot because he taught me everything I know-- ..

"zayn your friend I told you about earlyer is here to see you" a nurse told me. My friend I grew up with has been coming to see me ever since I had been put in the hospital. I rember him .. at least when I was younger. we where in the same grade together. I cant believe he still comes ... I mean it been almost 6 years... then I heard knocking.

"hey.. zayn long time no talk" he said with a smile he seemed calm. I had no idea what to say.. I mean what am I supose to say.

"hey Liam.. how ya been? "

"good glad to see that your awake"

".. why did you wait? "

"I knew you would wake up.. I had a feeling.. but when are you supose to get out?"

"I have another test .. something to saying to see what grade I go to."

"wouldn't you be a senior for --" he stopped because his phone started to go off

"girlfriend?" I said laughing

" haha no.. just my friend niall" I stopped ... niall.. was it my niall..?


"we met last week around your birthday.. I was walking to the hospital and I heard him scream.. well your name.. if that makes any sense... I helped him but I couldn't come see you because it was late"

my name? around my birthday ? Omg I heard him yelling before I woke up! he was in trouble and I heard him scream.

"really mate?.."

"yeah. he just texted me saying he is going on a trip with his parents. do you know him?"

"umm. idk ...hard to say.." I cant really say anything.. niall doesn't even remember me...

After I said that a nurse came in a told me it was time to take the other test. she said Liam could stay but he had to wait for me to be done. once I got in the room, Liam was taken out and went to the waiting room.

There were alot booklets from 1st grade to collage... I better get started..


They told me I have to wait here this sucks. I haven't talked to him in ages and they make him take more test. I still remember when I first met him. We where at a party for our parents get together. I was about five and I was small and the other kids would pick on me saying I was stupid and I didn't belong there...

I ended up running outside to a sunflower patch and hide there so no one would find me. I remember I started crying that's why zayn came up.

*flash back*

"why are you crying? " I looked up to see zayn in front of me he was taller then I was and had his hand on his hips.

"I'm not crying!! "

"Are you sad?"

"..the other kids keep making fun of me because I'm small" I felt tears started to build up.

"Do you see the sunflowers?" I looked up


"They started out as a small seed" he picked one up "But then they grow up big and strong! You have to be small before you can get big!"

Once he said those words I felt better, And he held is hand out so we could find our way back and neither of us would get lost. after that ar hung out almost every day.. but once his family got in the car crash he had to leave for awhile.. I heard his aunt was coming to get him but he ended up in a coma..

Everytime I got the chance I would come see him. once I found out he was akwake I tried coming over as fast as I could... I opened my eyes a reliezed I had feel asleep.

"I cant believe this!" I heard a low voice say behind me. I didn't turn around but I listened... they probably think I'm still sleeping..

"zayn past it! every single one! he is a genius!! .. we don't understand because he was so young but his brain is smart enough to be a professor for a the number one collage in the States!."

I wonder how he became so smart.. I remember during school he hated working. must be great for him that means he does have to go to school, I thought with a smile. as expected from zayn. always surprising everyone.


That took forever!! my hand feels like its going to fall off! please tell I'm the only one that happens to! They took the booklets and let me relax for a minute. I'm really happy be taught me... I miss him .. I still cant believe his is gone.. sometime soon I need to visit his grave.. I mean if It wasnt for him I would have never past any of them .. I know with my grades I could be out of school but that's not what I want to do..

"zayn?" my aunt said as she walked in she seemed really happy

"zayn you past everyone and they said you don't need to go to school!" she said cheerfully

"I still want to go..."

"you do? "

"I want to be with people my age "

"what grade do you want to be in? a senior you can be with Liam " she said with a smile

"what about junior ? "

" yeah that seems ok are you sure they said if you go you don't have to do work its up to you"

"I'm sure when can I start?" I said happy

"a few days after begaining of next week..be prepared "

One she walked out I was happy with my choice. And I started to think about him again haha ... Ray he was the first person I ever got sent to he taught me all about school work.. he the reason I still even have the slightest chance to get niall back..


How was that????? and sorry my Internet cut off and I couldn't upload -_- but I got it to work again so what Did u guys think?

please vote and subscribe :D I promise I wont fail

prepare for the next things there might be some good stuff :3

but anyways my practice isn't until next Monday so I can Wright :D YEAHHHHHHH

but anyways until next time my little zayn baby's

Xx Twin#1 Xx

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