ßack to School..

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After Anna woke me up I decided to take a shower . I didn't know what to wear but I decided on just a plain blue sweat shirt and some black skinnys. I picked my favorite blue shoes and my black and blue snap back. I walk down stairs to see Anna she still seemed really worried..

"Are you worried?"

"how can I not be ...you just woke up two weeks ago and know your already going back to school..."

"ill be ok.. I promise.. I want to interact with people in my age group"

she put her hand on my cheek.

"I swear zayn.. by the way you talk, know one will believe you are going to highschool you don't even need to go."

"ik.. but I want to" she paused for a moment but she came around

"come on" she grabbed her car keys." we will go to McDonalds and get some breakfast before school begains ok"

"sounds great" I had followed her and we both went out the front door.


When I woke up this morning I could still feel the sunburn. There was some still on my face but not a lot. We had got home last night because school starts this morning and vacation is over. I decided to get up out of bed and get ready. I took a fast shower and looked through my closet on what to wear. I picked out my black skinny and my white tee with my red shoes and my red and white snapback and I grabbed a jacket because it was getting colder outside.

I headed downstairs and noticed no one was there. when we got home my parents went straight back to work. "it was fun while it lasted" I felt a wave of loneliness come across me .. but I tried ignoring it and went to catch my bus to go to school. I noticed Devin and Roger haven't tried leasing with me since that insodent at the park and Liam had came.

I haven't really heard from him this last week he said he was helping an old friend out. when I got to school Harry and Lou called me back to the places we would normally sit.

"AYYYEEE you look a sunburnt "Harry said laughing and Louis giggled.

"so funny, it'll be gone in a few days Harold" I said laughing.

"ALRIGHT class" mrs patterson started "settle down we have a new student please be nice and give him a warm welcome. his mane is zayn Malik"

Before I knew it he walked in. he seemed really surprise though or like he was really nervous... gosh what a hunk. I saw the teacher pointing to empty seat next to me then I started to get really nervous.. he started walking over when my book fell of my desk. I went to grab in but on the way back up .. my head hit the desk... smooth niall.. I noticed he was laughing .. probably thinks I'm a total dork. I decided to sink into my chair when I noticed others laughing to.

I didn't really care about the subject I was in. it was history and I already have an A. so she didn't care what I did as long as I was quiet and not leasing with anything. I decided to Doodle I didn't know what I was making. it kind of looked like two hands holding eachother but one was fading..

I started to feel really upset .. I couldn't rember something important.. I wrote in big words above the drawing "Why Cant He" idk why.. I just did. I had left to go to the bathroom shorlty after but I was in the hallway when the bell rung so I jetted back to get my stuff. I turned to corner and relized zayn was right there. I felt like I jumped back 16 feet.

"..I didn't mean to scare you ... you left your stuff, thought I might bring it to you.."

he handed me my stuff and started to walk off. he seemed hurt .. I looked through and noticed my Doodle was gone. I looked back af zayn and noticed aa white paper sticking out of his back pocket... why did he want it? I didn't mind it ..I was going to through it away anyway. I caught up with Harry and Lou.

"hey boys" I said

"hey" they both said.

"umm just saying that new kid took your Doodle and put it in his Back pocket." said Lou. I didn't want to make it seem like he was bad.

"ik its ok" I said

"as long as you knew" Harry replied. we all had walked in our next class, waiting for the teacher to yell at us to shutup again..


"ALRIGHT class,settle down we have a new student please be nice and give him a warm welcome" I walked in and stood there. then I reliezed he was in this class to. niall... he was sitting there just staring at me .. like I was just a new student.. the teacher pulled me over and told me go sit with niall at the back. I started to walk over there when I noticed he dropped something and ended up bumping his head on the desk.

I laughed but not because it was embarrassing but becusse it was something niall would have done. he didn't stay anything to me he just sunk down in his chair. I felt like I was going to die... he wouldn't be able to remember me...I loved him and he wouldn't be able to know..

I sat there firming this history class and forgot how boring this subject was when ray taught me. I looked over and I noticed niall was drawing.. he was to bad at it .. but I started feel said shin when I noticed he finished drawing the picture .. it was two hands connected but one was faded, almost invisible. I covered my mouth with my hand and tried holding back the tears. but then I saw him right "Why Cant He " I reliezed he put his head down and then went the the bathroom.

A few minutes later the bell rand I saw he wasn't back yet. I grabbed his stuff but before I did I folded the Doodle up and out in my back pocket... I tried to hurt no one would see me.. I grabbed his stuff and went to go look for him. I turned to corner and he seemed scared.

"..I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you.. you left your stuff, thought I might bring it to you. "

He didn't say anything. I wanted to hug him But I cant... I wanted to die .. will he ever remember me... I walked away and didn't turn around to watch him leave. I walked to my next class and sat down.

my heart felt gone and broken. I didn't know what to do.. when I noticed Liam texted me.

*meet met at lunch? - Li - *

*yeah -zay -*

I remember Liam used to help me out so much.. but I don't know if he will be able to help me with this ...


So??? what you think?? this makes me sad.. I mean what would u do if the love of your life forgot you? idk what I would do .. I would prob--

nope cant say!!! hope u guys will continue reading and please go.and read my ziall oneshot :D Its finished! please read and comment?

the more votes I get the faster ill upload more chapters! ! hope u guys follow I promise my account wont fail u!!

but anyways until next time my fortune cookies!!

Xx Twin#1 Xx

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