Lucky Stalker (Liam Payne Fanfiction)

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"The forecast for today shows light showers over California, colder as it grows into the night-" my alarm clock starts, with the weather forecast before I hit it with my hand. Groaning, I slowly throw my cover off me realising it was time for me to get to school. "Sian, hurry up." I hear my mother shout, she should be leaving soon. I hardly see her, she works basically all day in a hospital. "I'm up mom!" I shout back, looking into my mirror, eyeing up the bags under my eyes from lack of sleep, probably due to the unlimited internet connection I have. I walk over to my closet, grabbing whichever outfit catches my eye first, chucking them over my arm leaving my bedroom and going into the bathroom down the hall. I quickly grab a towel from the drawers, and undress myself turning the tap to the shower on. I hop in pulling the curtain shut, as the warm water pours down my body, as I begin to wash myself. I quickly hop out, wrapping the towel around me, drying myself off and climbing into my clothes. Drying my dirty blonde hair slightly with the towel, before chucking it onto the floor and tying my hair into a high tight ponytail. I walk back into my room, applying some foundation to hide the bags under my eyes, before putting thick mascara on my long black eyelashes. I stroll down the stairs, grabbing my backpack off the stairs, opening the door, I walk out the door locking it behind me.


I walk into the school grounds, not even happy to be here, let me say this. I don't like school.

I look around looking at all the people, calling them in my head. I walk onto the car park, waiting for my best friend Stacy, her dad gives her a lift everyday, lazy ass. I take my phone out my pocket, feeling it buzz and seeing a text from my mom, saying she'll be home earlier tonight for some mother daughter time. Great. I look up from my phone to hear shouting, as usual it's the 'rebels' up to no good again. I try my best to stay away from them, I don't like them and they don't like me so it's pretty easy, seeming as I'm a no body. "Sian." I hear Stacy, breaking me of my thoughts. "Sorry I'm late, my brother was being an idiot." She groans, as I let a little giggle escape my lips. Her brother was cute, he was two years older, I had no chance though. He was a jock and I was a no body, even though I was friends with a jocks sister I still had not one bit of a reputation. The bell rings, taking me out of my thoughts once again as Stacy puts away her phone, smiling she quickly walks into the school. I stroll not far behind her, noticing the rebel group seem to be staring at me for no reason.

First lesson, algebra. I hated it, I don't get it, that's why I'm in the class with a load of retards. I walk to my class, taking my usual seat at the back, away from everyone. I take my books out of my bag, grabbing a pen, slouching in my seat. The teacher begins his lesson, making me zoom out.


The end of school slowly drawn by, happy to leave I walked out of school into the car park. Waving Stacy goodbye as she drives past in her dads car, I walk through the car park past everyone. I come to the end of the cap park, ready to head home. I feel a hand wrap around my upper arm, snapping my head around wondering who it is. "Sian." Smirks the bad boy of the school, Liam Payne. "What?" I spat at him, not pleased I'm stuck with him. "Need a ride?" He asks, debating in my head, wanting to get home but is is worth it?

"Sure." I uneasily smile, he opens the car door for me as I hop in the passenger seat. Locking my seatbelt in, as Liam hops in the other side, starting the car up. I know this ride home is going to be awkward.

(So yeah. My first story, I'm quite proud of how I've started it.)

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