This Is Weird..

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"So, why do you never talk to me?" He asks, I slowly turn my head facing him. "You never act as though I exist, so why should I talk to you." I state. "It's cause I'm a loser isn't it?" I fire at him, as he sighs, trying to keep his eyes on the road. "Your not a loser, to me your not." He said, with somewhat of a smile. "Just take me home." I roll my eyes, resting my head on the window.

"Sian, please listen." He turns to face me, as we park outside my house. "You're not a loser. Just not a popular girl. You are smart, you are funny and everyone loves you. I know-" I grit my teeth, not wanting to be in this conversation right now. I unbuckle my seat belt, throwing it off, opening the car door. "Please. Just don't talk to me again." I huff, shutting the door. I walk around the car and begin walking up the path to my front door. "Sian! I really do like you." He smiles, I feel the tears well up in my eyes knowing this is a huge joke to everyone. "Just please, leave me alone." I cry. Shutting the door behind me, throwing my bag on the floor and running up to my room, throwing myself on my bed and crying into my pillow.

I look to my alarm clock seeing about five hours have past, which means I've been crying for five freaking hours. It's not because that was a joke, it's because there's a feeling in my stomach and I just hope it's not feelings for that thing what dropped me at home. I slowly climb out of bed, grabbing my over sized sweater and changing from my clothes into that. I go over to my computer desk, sitting at my chair logging onto chat. "One new request, what the." I knit my eyebrows together, opening the request. "Of course it would be you." I mumble to myself, unpleased. Probably at the fact that the thing is stalking me, bringing me home, adding me on chat and probably soon standing outside my window, oh hell no. I still have to see him at school, crap. A beep on my computer takes me from my thoughts of Liam, wait why am I even thinking about him. 'Stacey wants to chat. Accept or decline.' The screen reads, I happily accept. I need to tell her what went down on the way home.

"He said what?!" She shouts to me.

"He said he likes me, I know it's a joke Stace and I know I'll be made an idiot. As usual." I roll my eyes. "What if its not a joke? What if he does like you? You are a pretty girl." She smiles. "I can't do this right now." I groan, pulling my hand down my face. "Just, ask him on a date!" She yelps with excitement. "A what now?! Why?! No!" I shout. "Mr bad boy Liam Payne isn't that bad of a guy Sian, I bet he's a sweet boy." She smiles. Uh oh. The feeling in my stomach is back, maybe I just have an illness. Or maybe, I have feelings for Liam freaking Payne. "Crap Stace, moms home. Text me." I smile, blowing her a kiss ending the call.

(Sorry it's short, it's 5am & my sisters just had a baby. I needed something to do since everyone's woken me up. I'll put another chapter up probably later today after I've visited my nephew. Also, do you think Liam is making a joke of Sian? Ooo! ><)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2013 ⏰

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