Skittles - Multi-Colored

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"Oh my gosh, look at Fynn's abs!!" Chloe cried pointing at Fynn from the other side of the pool. It was "4th of July" at the pool in Cincinnati Ohio... well, it was supposed to be. The real 4th of July got rained out.

"Yes!" Noe said flopping down onto the lawn chair. Chloe sat beside her, pulling out a piece of gum.

"Gum to celebrate your first look at my future boy friend!" Chloe laughed. Noe laughed along, taking a piece of gum and putting it in her mouth.

Fynn suddenly waslked up behind them, and Annabelle came to sit with them, pointing at Fynn. Chloe looked up, but Noe didn't seem to notice. Chloe poked Noe's arm and she looked up, seeing Fynn.

"OH MY GOSH..." Noe said in her scary demon voice. Fynn looked at them with a quizzically then flopped his towel scarf around his neck.

The three girls burst out laughing and Fynn looked back at them, running his hands through his hair. Chloe purred to herself, stretching her face with her hands.

Noe, Chloe and Annabelle  suddenly stood up walking past where Fynn was sitting with Zoe and Zoe's two friends. Annabelle parted with them to get a drink, and Chloe sat down next to Zoe, her cousin.

"Hey, Zoe." Chloe said waving at everybody. Noe couldn't help but laugh or giggle, so she tip toed away from the table sitting on a lawn chair lip talking to Chloe. They understood eachother, Chloe saying, "It isn't weird! Me and Zoe are cousins, and you and me are cousins!" Chloe had said.

Noe found her way back to the table, placing herself down next to Chloe, who was looking at everybody.

"Grill," Noe said pointing at the grill behind them. Chloe elbowed her rib cage.

"Don't be so weird," Chloe said covering the side of her face where Fynn could see her. Noe covered her mouth looking at Chloe then at Fynn, who was looking down at his hands.

There was a whistle, meaning that it was Kids In, and Noe and Chloe looked around at the pool, kids getting in excitedly clapping and prancing around into the water.

"Want to get in?" Noe asked looking over at the pool behind her. Chloe shrugged.

"Les go back to the chairs," Chloe yawned getting up and leaving. Noe sat there for a few moments, hoping Fynn would say something, but instead he got up and left, brushing past Chloe to his lawn chairs.

Noe shrugged and hopped away o Chloe who was looking at Noe. Noe slammed herself back first into the lawn chair next to hers and twisted her body around to peek through the lawn chair's peek holes to look at Fynn, two rows of chairs behind them.

"What are you doing?" Chloe asked following her movements. She peeked through her chair as well, and realized she was watching Fynn.

Fynn moved from behind them to a chair surrounded by his friends. He sat there for about five minutes until three more of his friends came in bouncing a tennis ball. The tennis ball flew towards Fynn, and without thinking he brought his hand up while he was looking straight forward at the pool. The tennis ball flew straight into his hand. It took a few mili-seconds for him to look at his hand with the tennis ball in it, then he began to laugh looking over at his friends who were laughing too. 

Noe and Chloe sat opened mouthed with a smile too, staring over at Fynn, who looked over at them. Noe and Chloe freaked out and covered there faces, turning over while laughing hysterically. They heard Fynn chuckle slightly and questionably while Chloe rolled over to look at Noe, her arm stretched out on Noe's chair.

"What's your favorite song?" Chloe asked. Noe sighed. "Weeelll, I am a fan of Gangnam Style," Noe said folding her arms. Chloe's brow arched and she flung out of the chair, putting on Noe's sunglasses on and wrapping a towel scarf around her neck, jumping up in front of Noe and singing Gangnam Style quite loudly.

"OPA GANGNAM STYLE!! AAAAAAY SEXY LADY!!" Chloe sang. Noe looked behind her then swerved around at Chloe, her eyes like beachballs.

"CHLOE STOPPPP!" Noe said between her teeth moving her eyes towards Fynn. Chloe stopped and looked behind her at Fynn who was laughing looking up at the tent over his lawn chair. Chloe closed her eyes and looked up at Noe.

"YOU!!!" She yelled smiling and tackled on top of Noe.

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