After the slushes, Noe and Chloe were pretty much running around stalking Fynn where ever he went. If he got into the pool, so did they, if he got out of the pool, so did they, if he went to buy a drink, they went to the picnic tables near him and chatted sort of loudly about City of Bones.
"Anyways, umm, damn my dads here," Chloe said pointing. Noe and Chloe already had their rompers on and were packing up when Fynn brushed past them to his seat. They both paused in his tracks and wanted to scream out in laughter, but instead they burst out in a song!
"A CONA MATATA! FOR THE REST OF YOUR DAYS!" and Noe added, "Yeah, sing it kid,". "ITS OUR PROBLEM FREE!! PHILOSOPHY! A CONA MATATA!" Then they burst out laughing hysterically as they packed up. Izzy and Maddie packed up, too and walked by the stand where you sign in and out.
"He's looking at you," Chloe said to Noe poking her head around Noe's shoulder to see Fynn looking at Noe. He looked away when his eyes met Chloe's and he was sort of smiling.
"Holy Shiz-Muffins!" Noe said as they walked down the stairs to the parking lot.
"So true! He was totally checking us out!" Chloe laughed.
Maddie immediately turned around and said, "AHA!" Chloe jumped back with her eyes wide.
"Nothing," Chloe said scratching her head.
"Chloe, do you like Fynn!?" Maddie yelled laughing. Chloe's lip perched up so she looked like a weird looking wolf and she was smiling. "I knew it!" Maddie yelled. "If you want I can ask him to play cards later," Maddie said. Noe and Chloe nodded.
"Sure I'll invite him over since you guys are sleeping over," Maddie pointed at Izzy and Noe. They were sisters and Maddie and Chloe were sisters.
"No, no inviting anybody over. You guys have to pick blueberries in the morning," Uncle Chris said (Maddie and Chloe's dad) opening the car.
"Aww man! I hate picking them!" Chloe said throwing her bag in the trunk.
"I can't pick them, though. I'm sick, and I'm not fully sure if I'm aloud to sleepover," Izzy said looking at her bitten nails with a sour expression.
"Sorry, kid," Uncle Chris said burping into Izzy's face. Izzy's hair flew back slightly like in a cartoon and she blinked. "Ew."