3.Don't ever do that again

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Since I'm away for a few days I thought I'm gonna upload a One shot. YAY.

So it isn't that good but at least something. And I don't have a name for it.


'L-Liam?' he took a step closer. 'W-what's going o-on?' another step. 'L-Liam s-stop you're scaring m-me.' Another step and he lifts his hand in front of my face. His hand is a fist...


Niall's PoV:

It was a quite normal day. The boys and I were rehearsing all day and we were all tired and just wanted to go home...well everyone except Louis. 'Guys let's go partying. Come on it'll be fun.' We all sent him a dead glare. Louis turned to Harry 'Hazzabear please' and makes his puppy dog eyes and pouts. Harry sighed 'okay okay '. Louis hugged Harry tightly and kissed his cheek. 'Thanks Hazza. ' So we all had to go partying.

When we arrived at the club I ordered a few shots immediately to keep me awake. Louis of course was drunk after a few shots and he dragged Harry (who was buzzed too) onto the dancefloor. They were more grinding than dancing if you ask me but we all know they're in love even if they don't know themselves.

I saw Zayn phoning someone half an hour ago. I think it was Perrie. And yes I was right she's walking through the door right now towards Zayn. He kisses her quickly and then they disappear. They might go into the lounge.

I can't see Liam anywhere. Great now I'm sitting all alone at the bar. Let's get wasted. 'Ten shots more.' I told the bartener so he handed me the drinks. An hour later I was wasted and in the middle of the dancefloor with some random girl. How did I even get here? This girl starts grinding her ass on my crotch and saying that I don't like it would be an understatement. She isn't even my type. She has way to much make up on and her hair was covered in sweat.

I looked around and caught Liam staring at me. He was now sitting at the bar where I sat before. He glared at me like he is about to come over and kill me. His eyes are now a darker shade of brown not the warm chocolate brown I love. I break our eye contact to look back at the girl. But when turn to her she has her lips already pressed on mine. She moves them hastily and licks my lips. Just when I fall out of my trance and want to pull away I feel someone grabbing me by my hips from behind and pulling me away. (I definiately have to thank the person later.) I turned around to look at the person only to see Liam boiling with anger. He is about to punch the girl but I hold him back causing him to glare at me. He takes my hand and forces me through the crowds of people. I am quite shocked so I let him guide me to wherever he's going to take me. He leads me outside and into our van. I sit in the passenger seat while he gets in the drivers seat. He starts the engine and drives away without saying anything.

Just then I remembered that Zayn , Louis and Harry are still in the club. 'W-what about the others?' I ask shakily. 'Perrie is with her car. Larry can take a cab.' he said shortly and wow his voice is a lot deeper than before. I would blame it on the alcohol but he doesn't even drink properly.

The car ride is silent and he doesn't even look at me. I look at him a couple of times and he really looks good today. Especially because he's so angry. That only makes him more attractive. I didn't realize that we arrived home until Liam opens my car door. 'Get out!' I do as he tells me. He grabs my arm again to drag me to our apartment door. (Niam has a house ,Larry has a house and Zayn lives with Perrie). He fiddles with his keys and groans when he can't find the right one. Is it bad to say it kinda turns me on? Eventually he finds the right one to unlock the door. I go inside and turn around to look into Liam's now almost black eyes. I swallow. He throws his keys away and doesn't even bother to turn the light on.

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