22~Yang and Yin

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For Nathan ,organic food was the most important thing in life. He used to eat organic only . Liza never saw him eating from tin or packets . Their kitchen was full of fresh vegetables and fruits . They used to import them from other countries on regular basis . Wheat , Barley ,mushrooms everything was either grown in the kitchen garden or imported . Their kitchen was the most expensive area of the house .

''Come here , where are you going ?'' Nathan pulled Liza when she was going to bed again after feeding the baby .

Nathan was ready to leave , he was in his tux . He looked perfect like a god ,combed , clean , shaven ,perfect cologne .

Liza smelled like baby products and milk . Her hair were a mess .

Nathan kissed her .

''god i miss you so much '' he whispered .

''Can you bring me my lunch today ? Mrs. Morrison has not prepared it yet ,can you bring it later ? at lunch break ? lets have a lunch together ?''

''Off course Baby , i would love to '' Liza smiled .

She got ready at eleven ,perfect shoes , perfect cloths . Now she felt good .

I am not that bad . she told herself .

In the building everyone knew who she was .Everyone smiled at her .But she could hear the whispers .

THIS is Mrs. Nathan ?

what he sees in her ?

She is so fat

Those girly giggles .


She was a joke 

She saw perfect girls everywhere . Everyone was wearing heels and beautiful dresses .Any of these girls will make a perfect couple with Nathan except me . Her heart sank .

no no , its not about me , i am here for Nathan . i am going to be happy and make him happy too .

Nathan showed up . He was very happy to see her . They ate together .

'ohh no ,you dont '' Nathan filled her plate more .He noticed she was not eating well .

''Nathan , i cant . i am trying to lose weight ,don't you want me to look perfect again ?''

''By 'perfect ', do you mean skinny ?no , i don't want you to be skinny again ,ever''

''What ? you used to love it ''

''Now i hate it , it is so unhealthy , if i knew this skinniness is going to cost you such a complicated pregnancy i will have fed you for five years , made you all fluffy before getting you pregnant ''

''ohhh come on , look at these girls around you , look how beautiful they are ''

''you know what i see ? i see so much pain ,problems , sleepless nights ,families suffering and even breaking families ''

''i don't look good with you anymore ''

''Thats why i am gaining weight too ''

Liza giggles ,'' you don't have to do that ''

''Liz i want to look good to you only . if my lean body makes you uncomfortable then i should get rid of it ''

''I don't know if that's a good idea ''

'' i gained five pounds , would that make you feel better ? look my tummy is bulging out now ''

'' no its flat '' Liza touched him '' Are you serious in getting weight ?''

''Yes , i am . i am even thinking to enter a clause in employment contract .''

''To gain weight ?'' Liza was surprised

'' no ''he chuckled 

 ''To eat healthy, especially for women but it has many legal complications , moreover media will take it negatively... like i see women as baby making machines etc ..''

Nathan kissed on Liza's forehead and she left .

''Please eat a good dinner , i want to see you healthy and happy '' He told her .

In the evening , when he came home , he saw Eliot's car . Eliot was not at home .

why is he staying here ?what he wants now ?

When he went to his bedroom , he saw Liza laying on her belly . There was a hot water bottle on her back .

Ahh , her backache is back .

Liza had really big breasts over very tiny body . Nathan used to admire that a lot but now after baby and milk the breast got really heavy . Her backbone was weak to hold this much weight .

Her head was in pillows , she was probably weeping .

Nathan changed in half minute .

He wrapped the water bottle in towel and pressed it over her back . She cried a little . it was so painful and so relieving at the same time .

The pain was fading . In few minutes she was fine and smiling .

''what can i do for you ? '' Liza asked Nathan .

''well if you want to return the favor then please drink this hot chocolate milk ''

''Nathan , no , arghh ..i am trying to lose weight here ''

''Please stop doing that ..for me ''

''you dont understand ''

'' i want you to be healthy ''

They were laying in the bed , facing each other ,wrapped in a close tight hug , bickering .

''ok , i will not lose it but lets have our next kid soon ''

''what ?why ? you are not ready ''

''come on , then i will be free ''

''No more kid till ..at least five years ..''

''what ? no , i am ready ''

They fell asleep soon .

Liza was like night , full of darkness , secrets you dont want to know , pessimism , worries , fears . Nathan was like sun , he was bright , full of hope , brave . He was the ultimate source of energy in Liza's life . She absorbed energy from him and felt alive for the first time .

He was warm and strong, she was cold and weak .His warmth seeped through her ,overpowered her,controlled her and most of all calmed her.

They had been together for many years. In their early years , they enjoyed each other's beauty and body .

But now when they were together in pain and sorrow .They enjoyed closeness and companionship more. 

Every morning Liza woke up to see Nathan playing with her locks . Their love making was not about sex anymore.It was a connection where they used to enjoy their union,their oneness . 

Then Liza used to feed the baby and Nathan got ready for office .

They had perfect little life except for one tiny problem since few days . Eliot's presence .

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