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It was a very lazy Saturday afternoon .

Liza and Nathan were sitting in the living room . The baby was playing on the floor . Liza asked Mrs. Morrison to make some tea for them when Eliot showed up .

''Helo everyone ''

''what are you doing ?''

''I will love to have some tea too Mrs. Morison ''

''Mrs. Morrison , please bring some milk for Bobo '' Liza asked the lady .

Eliot chuckled .

''BOBO ? what type of name is it ? its like a nick name for booger ''

Liza was disgusted ''please his name is Bruce i call him Bobo out of love '' she almost yelled .

Eliot laughed , Nathan was sitting expressionless . His face was not showing anything .

''Bruce is cool but bobo is stupid , i am not going to lie ''

''Why are you here ?''Liza asked him.

''I told you its my home too , i can come here ''

Liza only scowled at him .

''But i am here to talk to Nathan , its very important '' He turned to Nathan who was still sitting like a stone.

''I am thinking to move to London as Nathan always wanted me to '' He announced mockingly and Liza was pouting at Nathan . She wrapped her arms around her and tilted her head toward Eliot .

Nathan felt like an adult between two kids who got into a fight .

Both were waiting for Nathan's reaction who sat their motionless .

''Looks like your husband has no problem with it '' Eliot mocked Liza again . But Nathan waved his hand in '' i got this , dont worry'' manner from behind .

Liza calmed but still asked Eliot

''What brought you here ?''

''I thought my brother needs me here''

''I am here to take care of him ''

''what care ? you are already very co-dependent and needy wife ''

He was so merciless .

''You lose temper easily and you are sick all the time ''

''You smell like puke when you puke and when you dont , you smell like milk '' Eliot put his hand on his nose .

''Eliot '' Nathan yelled ''enough ''

It did not affect Eliot at all but the baby was scared and he wept at the top of his lungs .

''OHH my god '' Eliot showed his disgust over baby .

Liza was shaking with anger and embarrassment . Eliot was speaking the language of her fears . He could smell his insecurities and he was hitting on the exact wound .

Nathan glared at Eliot , warned him silently but he was not bothered at all .

Mrs. Morrison brought tea .Nathan took the baby from Liza . In a minute it was back to its happy mood and went back to floor to play with its toys .

Every one was sipping tea .Everyone was silent .

Liza was trying hard not to weep .

''Why are you so lazy today ?Both of you ?''

''Did you forgot to take your morning coffee ?''

Morning coffee ? what is he referring to ? Is he referring to their morning ritual of sex ? Yes , they could not do it today . and when they could not do it , the day became so dull .Everything looked so meaningless . Does he know our routine ? Does he know that much ? Or she was just over-thinking .

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