Chapter 6: Let the games begin

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Chapter 6: Let the games begin

Julian came rushing over as fast as he could.

“Where’s Elfin?” he asked, looking around. Arabella pointed to the ground. Julian looked down and noticed that there was a pile of ash, still smoking on the ground.

“She just burst into flames. One minute she was flying around and the next minute she burst into flames and was on the floor.” She said, fighting tears. A rustling in the trees told them that the wolf was gone.

“It must have healed quicker than I thought.” He said, shrugging his shoulders.

“Yes, but where’s Lorie? I’m worried about her.” Bella said.

“I’m sure she’s fine.” Julian reassured her.

“Maybe, but there goes our guide to Treehollow Village.” She said, deeply disappointed. Julian whistled and nodded.

“What about Elfin? I mean, she’s still - .” Julian was cut off by a faint crowing at their feet.

The top of the ash pile was moving slightly. She didn’t know what was going on. A little bird – like figure was emerging from the top of the pile, crowing and taking in its surroundings.

“Julian, what’s going on?” Arabella asked, staring at the featherless bird at her feet.

“Has Merlin told you about Magical Creatures yet?” he asked, a look of dawning comprehension on his face.

“No. He hasn’t, why? Is there something I should know?” she asked, intrigued.

“I just remembered. Phoenixes are actually really cool! They can heal any living creature, and they can create fires. Also, when they die, they burst into flames and then they are born from their own ashes!” Julian explained.

“So that’s Elfin?” she asked, impatiently.

“Yes!” Bella wheeled around and quickly looked down. Elfin was already regaining her feathers and was looking more like herself every minute. Arabella smiled.


Arabella was woken up very early by Elfin the next morning. Elfin then flew off to wake Julian up.

“Time to get moving to Treehollow today.” Elfin said, as cheerily as possible.

“Fine, fine.” Bella said, groggily. They all got up and got ready to move to Treehollow for the day.

“Bella? Do you think we’ll meet up with Lorie on the way?” Julian asked, as they were saddling the horses and making sure they hadn’t forgotten anything.

“Maybe. I’m not sure. I would really like to know why that wolf keeps running away from us every time we save it!” Bella said, deep in thought.

“I don’t know, but I’d like to know why it runs off and Lorie is no where to be found.”

“Come on! We’ve got to go now, to get there before nightfall.” Elfin said, grabbing Bella by her cloak in her beak and pulling. Bella and Julian walked over to the horses and prepared the saddle bags, making sure they wouldn’t fall off when they were riding. Before they started moving, they took a drink of water from the river and filled up their bottles they had brought for the journey.

They mounted their horses and then started following the path towards Treehollow.

“When do you expect we’ll be there?” Julian asked, after a few hours.

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