Chapter 11 - Back to Silvertree

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  • Dedicated to Caity Emmington for helping me so much!!!

Chapter 11: Back to Silvertree

Bella was lagging behind the rest as Dade led them all to the shortcut.

“What am I going to do?” she said as quietly as possible, so the others wouldn’t hear her.

“We’re going to find your parents. And your uncle and aunt.” Julian said, slowing down to be next to her.

“How can you be so sure? For all we know, they may not even be alive.” She retorted.

“Well, you just have to have faith in these things.” He said. Bella looked at him and shook the reins telling her horse to go faster.

“We’re here.” Dade announced.

They came to a small cave that was unnoticeable as it was covered with a wall of green ivy that stretched from the roof of the cave to the ground.

“This is the shortcut?” Julian asked, tentatively.

“Yep. Very few know of its existence.” He answered.

“Yes. But I’m one that does.” A voice rang behind them. All four of them turned around on their heels to find a woman wrapped in a black dress and a violet cloak. Jadis had found them again.

“Move!” Bella reached forward and grabbed Dade’s wrist insisting that he should run.

“What are you - ?” he shouted.

“Just run!” she shouted. They mounted again and galloped faster and faster to get away from Jadis.

“Who is that?” Dade shouted, gasping for air.

“Her name is Jadis! Just keep moving!” she answered.

“Do you still have the fireflowers?” Julian asked, coming up behind them. Bella turned around and checked in her bag. She nodded as the flowers winked at her.

“Lorie! Come on, move!” Julian shouted.

“Coming! Keep going!” Lorie answered. They kept moving until they realised something. Jadis wasn’t following. She was too preoccupied with the wolf.

“Where’s Lorie?” Dade asked, watching as Dusty streaked in front of them.

“Oh! Of course!” Bella said, slapping her forehead. The other two stopped and Julian called for Dusty before he got too far ahead.

“What?” Julian asked.

“Well, have you ever noticed that whenever the wolf is with us, Lorie is no where to be found?” Bella asked. Silence answered her question.

“And another thing. When the wolf got scratched on its front leg, we found Lorie with a scratch on the exact same arm.” Again, silence followed itself.

“And finally, Dusty is so comfortable around the wolf when a wolf is one of its natural predators.” More silence.

“Oh! And one more thing. Have either of you noticed that the wolf is the exact same colour as Lorie’s hair – jet black?” she finished, listening to the menacing growls of the wolf.

“So you’re saying - .” Julian started.

“Lorie is the wolf!” Dade finished the sentence. Bella nodded. The wolf rushed up to them panting. It stood on its hind legs and in a swirl of green smoke, transformed into the Lorie they knew.

“Well, you took your time to figure it out!” she said, laughing.

“Arabella! Come out, come out! I know you’re in there!” Jadis shouted in a sing – song voice that rang through the cave. Bella started to walk towards Jadis. Julian ran forwards and grabbed her wrist. She was in a trance.

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